North County Inc. Supporting Prop D:

10-Cent Gas Tax Hike

north county inc logoNorth County Inc. (NCI) Board of Directors voted to support Missouri Proposition D, the Gas Tax Increase, Olympic Prize Tax Exemption and Traffic Reduction Fund Measure. Proposition D will be on the ballot November 6, and NCI encourages the St. Louis community to support this critical measure for our state and local communities.If passed, the 10 cents tax increase is estimated to generate a revenue stream of $50 to $70 million transit and other multi-modal transportation and an additional $430 million a year for roads and bridges.

For nearly two decades, there has been no gas tax increase.Proposition D will allow Missouri Department of Transportations to better maintain major corridors through our community, such as I-70 and I-270. It will also bring more than $5 million to the North County communities and north St. Louis County to help improve local infrastructure.  “North County is among Missouri’s aging, deteriorating transportation infrastructure and is in dire need of repair, maintenance and upgrades. This investment in transportation would go a long way to improving travel safety and economic development,” said North County Inc. Board President Chris Kilbride .Transit funding in Missouri was cut to $1.7 million for State Fiscal Year 2018. Currently, Missouri ranks 46th in the country with respect to transit funding.

“It is critical MoDOT receives a revenue stream that provides the ability to maintain its roads and bridges as well as funds for major capital improvements such as the reconstruction of I-270 in North County,” said Florissant Mayor Tom Schneider.

About North County IncorporatedNorth County Incorporated (NCI), founded in 1977, is an economic and community development advocacy organization serving the North St. Louis County community with a focus on education, healthcare, infrastructure and transportation. NCI builds collaborative partnerships and coordinates resources and efforts of civic and business leaders to speak as a unified voice on regional issues.

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