Florissant Council Denies Board Appointment; Adds To General Revenue Fund


The Florissant City Council denied a board appointment to the Board of Adjustment, after Councilman John Grib explained why he thought it was an improper nomination.

Grib stressed that it had nothing to do with the person nominated. Rather, the problem was that the same person also sits on the Planning and Zoning (P and Z) Commission. Councilman Tim Lee nominated the person, who lives in Grib’s ward.

“I don’t believe you should be able to serve on both the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Adjustment because the Board of Adjustment hears Planning and Zoning Commission appeals,” Grib said. Thus, he continued, someone whose petition was denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission could come before the Board of Adjustments and find the same person who voted against his original position hearing the appeal.

Not having the same person on both boards, Grib said, “avoids the possibility of any conflict of interest.” He added that some states prohibit municipalities from having the same person on both boards to avoid the conflict of interest.

Grib said that he sent an email to the council explaining his position and lobbying for a no vote on the appointment.

Councilman Andrew Podleski was the only councilperson joining Lee in voting yes on the appointment. All others voted no and the appointment was denied.

In other matters last week, the council:

o Passed a bill authorizing mid-year appropriating of $392,000 from the General Revenue Fund to various budget accounts. The council normally does this to adjust for any changes in the budget at mid-year.

Podleski cast the only ‘no’ vote, saying “I don’t know why we do this every year. It’s reactive.” He also said he requested more information about the various appropriations and did not receive it.

Councilman Karen McKay disagreed, saying that the information in the packet each councilperson received adequately explained the appropriations.

o Passed a bill authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with Carol O’Mara to serve as the city’s Community Development and Housing Director. She replaces Denise Mandle, who has taken a job elsewhere.

o Held a first reading on a bill authorizing the naming of the Nature Lodge at Sunset Park the Behlmann-Zykan Nature Lodge. Lee, who serves on the Florissant Parks Foundation, which raised funds for the lodge, said the Foundation recommended the name. Mark Behlmann and Don Zykan Jr. lead the foundation’s fundraiser and construction efforts to get the new lodge built.

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