Salem Baptist Church Celebrates 200th Year

Past and present members of Salem Baptist Church gathered Sunday on the church parking lot celebrating the church’s 200th anniversary.

(Special to the Independent News)
It may be difficult to believe, but North County has a church that’s history dates back two centuries.

Salem Baptist Church, 19715 Old Jamestown Road, Florissant, held special activities on May 30 and 31 in connection with celebrating its 200th Anniversary. The church was founded in 1809, and is the second oldest protestant church west of the Mississippi River.

Special services were held at Coldwater Cemetery, the site of the original church building, followed by a pot luck dinner at the church. Special services with guest speakers and special music were held during the Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10:30 a.m., followed by a catered meal and continuation of the celebration of 200 years of God’s Amazing Grace. Members and many former members attended the various activities. A group photo was taken.

The following is a summary of some of the key historical events over the past 200 years.
1809: First meetings of Cold Water Church; one weekend per month, with preaching by the first pastor, Thomas R. Musick.

1834: Known as the Union Church; shared building with Methodists.
1841: Name changed to Salem Baptist Church
1871: Action taken to give to Cooperative Program and foreign missions.
1884: Sunday School organized.
1885: First revival meeting held in James (Brown) School House.
1911: New building dedicated costinng $2000. (This must have been the old white church that was on the parking lot when we first became members of the church. It was torn down 15-20 years ago.)
1913: Women’s Missionary Union organized.
1926: Baptist Training Union organized (now called Discipleship Training).
1953: Brown School House purchased for use as educational space; later remodeled for use as the parsonage. This building is located directly across the street from the church and is now a residence. The original building is the front part of the home.)
1959: Celebrated 150th anniversary and dedicated present auditorium and building.
1965: Present parsonage constructed. (The house was sold about 5 or 6 years ago.)
1970: Ground broken for 3-story educational building.
1973: New Carillon system dedicated.
1982: Library opened, new Rogers organ and Knabe grand piano purchased.
1984: 175th anniversary celebrated on March 11.
1985: Remodeled auditorium, added office suite and completed third floor of educational building. Added bell and spire to auditorium.
1999: 190th anniversary celebrated on May15-16; on May 15, stone with bronze plaque was placed at Cold Water Cemetery on the location believed to be where Salem Baptist Church first met.
2000: Pavilion constructed and dedicated.

Two former pastors of the church spoke. The Rev. David Bunch (1956-58) spoke at special services held a Coldwater Cemetery offering historical reflections. The Rev. Jeff Logsdon (1995-2001) spoke at the Sunday service. The Church’s first service was held at the home of William Patterson in 1809. Grace Mayfield has been a member of Salem Baptist for 80 years.

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