Large Oak at City Hall Retired

Florissant City Hall in previous years was known for its large trees planted
Florissant City Hall is known for its large trees planted Joseph Peters circa 1900.

The large Oak outside the Florissant council chambers’ side door is dead from Verticillium Wilt Disease for which there is no cure so it was removed to prevent the disease from spreading and also for aesthetic and safety reasons. “It is with a measure of sadness each time we remove one of the old trees from the lawn of City Hall,”  Mayor Schneider said

“When I first came to City Hall in the mid ‘70’’s there were probably twice as many large trees on the lawn. Last year we had to remove one near the corner of St. Francois and Boone. Many of the old trees were planted by Joseph Peters who was elected Mayor in 1897. City Hall is located on the property that was his residence in the late 1800s and early 1900s.”

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