Schneider Supports Tim Lowery For Mayor

Mayor Schneider Throws His Support to Tim Lowery’s Campaign For Mayor in 2019

Mayor Tom Schneider gave an endorsement for Police Chief Tim Lowery at the Lowery’s campaign for Mayor campaign kick-off on April 19 at the Knights of Columbus near St. Ferdinand Shrine. Tim Lowery officially announcement that he is running for Mayor of Florissant in 2019

Current Mayor Tom Schneider will be concluding his term of office next April. The following are some excerpts delivered by Mayor Schneider at Tim Lowery’s Mayoral Campaign Kick Off Event kickoff event April 19.

Mayor Schneider said:

“One reason I ran for Mayor was to protect our City Charter which calls for a strong Elected Mayor form of government. I believe our system is superior and is very different from smaller cities.

“Most Cities go with a Councilman at Large and a hired gun for the Chief Executive which often causes uncertainty as to who’s in charge. There is no doubt where the buck stops in Florissant. It’s important to understand the powers and duties of the office of Mayor and to choose wisely who inherits this immense responsibility.

“The citizens of Florissant know this and have put a priority on longevity when choosing the leader of their city. The James J. Eagan Center is named for the man who served as Mayor for 37 years. Henry F Kock Park is named for a man who served in three decades and Bangert Park is named for Arthur who also served in three decades. All three are remembered in our “Walk through history” on Rue St. Francois.

“Robert G. Lowery Sr. served our city for 50 years rising in rank to Chief of Police in ‘79 and elected mayor in 2001. Bob did a great job as chief and mayor which is why we have the Robert G. Lowery Law Enforcement Center.

I’ve been around for a while! With 39 years in elective office I am currently the longest continuous office holder in Missouri.

“I’ve won a lucky 13 elections in a row. I have attended about 1000 Council Meetings, 100 Budget meetings, 200 Department Head meetings and countless other gatherings in our Council Chambers. Every ballot issue that I’ve supported was passed by Florissant Voters.

“Tim Lowery will have 30 years of service protecting the citizens of Florissant by the time of next year’s election. In fact, the best move I made in my first term was to appoint Tim Lowery as Florissant Police Chief. We have had the best relationship that a Mayor and Chief could possibly have and together we have assembled one of the best police forces in the nation and we aim to keep it that way.

“There is no one else that I would trust to pass this heavy responsibility to other than Timothy Lowery. The Chief and I have shared a great loyalty to one another therefore we would never run against the other. Mindful of that loyalty, knowing my next birthday will have a zero in it, and not wanting to stay a term too long, I had asked Tim to form a committee to run for Mayor next year.

“I expect Tim’s committee will be very successful. At an appropriate time I will announce my future political plans. If Tim ever needs me I will be a phone call away.


“It was an honor to serve 32 years on the Council. But being Mayor has been the most rewarding and fulfilling professional experience of my life and I want to thank you for putting me in the room where it happens.

“This evening we are here to put Tim Lowery in that room because

the time has come to pass the torch to a new generation of leadership to somene who has already served our city for three decades and who was:

born in our city to a family of leaders, tempered by his family’s War on Crime,

disciplined by hard and lasting peacekeeping and proud of our heritage”

:Today’s gathering is a celebration for Florissant—- symbolizing an end as well as a beginning—- signifying renewal as well as change.   It is my fervent hope that Timothy J. Lowery will take the same solemn Oath of Office that his father and I took to serve as the Mayor of Florissant.

“The world is very different now, for the internet connects our thoughts without a moment of reflection often resulting in regrettable dialogue, cynicism, mean spirited ignorant narrative and unreasonable expectations.

“And yet the same sound blueprint for good governance that the Freeholders set down in our City Charter are still alive and serving us well today. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that treasured document.

“Let every citizen of this city, region and State know, let every County, State or National legislator and executive know, weather they wish us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of Florissant,”


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