Robert Laramie, Florissant Parks Superintendent, Retires

Served City for 50+ Years

Robert Laramie, Superintendent of Parks, City of Florissant, punched his last time card Friday, March 16, after 50 years of service.
Robert Laramie, Superintendent of Parks, City of Florissant, punched his last time card Friday, March 16, after 50 years of service.

Bob Laramie, Superintendent of Parks for the City of Florissant, clocked out for the final time on Friday, March 16, after serving the city for more than half a century.

“The name Robert Laramie will always be synonymous with our beautiful Florissant Park system,” said Florissant Mayor Thomas Schneider. “His leadership inspired countless Parks Maintenance employees both full-time and part-time. He had a “can do” attitude that benefited not only the Parks Department but also all city departments, including police. Whatever needed to get done Bob Laramie could be counted on to deliver.”

At the 40th Annual North County Incorporated Leadership Breakfast in 2017, Laramie received the Public Service Award presented to outstanding individuals, elected, appointed or employed by a public body whose long-time service has had a positive impact on the community.

Laramie has worked for the city since 1967. He is the city’s longest-serving superintendent of parks, serving the city for the past 16 years in this position.

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