Meeting on Jamestown Mall Redevelopment

Large Turnout At Open House

on Future of Site at Jamestown Mall

fillng forms out   The curious came out in large numbers Monday night at the Informational Open House regarding the future of the Jamestown Mall site held at Christian Hospital’s Northeast Campus. This meeting was aimed at allowing residents to get the latest news on the project, share their thoughts about the mall property and learn about next steps.

A station set up was in the Detrick’s auditorium outlining five steps in the transformation process for the once vibrant mall in North County. (Five steps outlined below.)

Future possible uses would include office space, some retail, a theater, residential or a combination. A new retail mall with anchor stores has pretty much been ruled out of the possibilities for the large tract, which includes the 1.2 million-square-foot building.

The St. Louis County Port Authority recently contracted to purchase the final two parcels of Jamestown Mall. With this agreement, St. Louis County now has control of the entire mall site. The St. Louis County Port Authority had previously purchased the majority of the mall site property. The final sales will close in late December, but the County is actively taking steps to move closer to redevelopment.

Pointing to map  Currently, hazardous waste and other materials are being cleared from the Jamestown site in preparation for demolition.

“The open house is a demonstration of continued progress toward our goal: making this property an important contributor once again to North County’s economy,” County Executive Steve Stenger said.

For more information on the Jamestown project visit:



5 Step Process For Redeveloping Mall Site

disccus issues 2   When residents showed up at the open house on the future of the Jamestown Mall site, they signed in and then proceeded to five step-by-step stations outlining the overview for redevelopment, and concluding with a comment form.

As they walked past the five stations, they chatted with officials and St. Louis County Port Authority representatives about their thoughts and concerns for the site. (Photos on the right show the process and discussion.)

The five-step station guide pointed out that, ultimately, the mall’s future will be determined by what the changing market will tolerate.   The five stations set up were:

STATION#1– Meeting purpose and overview where they were able to look back and see how the site got to where it is today.

STATION#2– The current Jamestown Mall site and the surrounding area which is mostly single-family residential. This contained information on the mall site, land use, available work force and residential density. The data assessed how the site could be redeveloped.

STATION#3—Future site uses for redevelopment and developers will evaluate to determine if they want to subject a proposal for the site.

STATION#4– Request for Proposals, (often called RFPs). Here, residents were told the Port Authority wanted to learn about what factors they thought were most important for redeveloping the Jamestown Mall site.

STATION #5–Next Steps; this station had information on the next steps and how their feedback will be utilized. From here there was a large table for residents to fill out a comment form listing their top three factors for the site.

Text and photos by Bob Lindsey








“Since I came into office in 2015, returning this property to productive use has been a top priority,” County Executive Stenger had said earlier


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