One of the Best World Series, It Rivals 2011

world series 2017 2 by Randy Gardner

Hopefully you have been able to watch the World Series as it has been spectacular. By the time you read this it will be over but Game number 5 was a game that will go down in history. For me, I thought it was even better and more theatrical than the Cardinals come back win with David Freese home run to win Game 6 in the 2011 series. I wasn’t sure how the ratings would be leading into the series but from recent news it seems to be a ratings bonanza.

There are players on both the Dodgers and Astros that make you want to watch. That is what makes the games fun to watch. I know it is exciting when my two boys would rather watch the game than watch one of their movies or play video games. During game 5, they were jumping up and down and off the couch and they are not vested in either team. I’ve been sitting on the fence on who I want to win but I was leaning towards the Astros after all of the hurricane issues down there earlier this year. These are stories that make for great memories for baseball and for fans.

The weather at the games in Los Angeles has been crazy. I am so used to seeing everybody bundled up for the Series; not there, it is shorts and tee-shirt weather the first two games. It’s just not the same for me as a viewer. I like to see everybody all bundled up. Temperatures were suppose to be 30 degrees cooler at Dodger Stadium this week. That’s more normal for SoCal.

Time of Year to Pick-up Meaningless trophies

Randy Gardner
Randy Gardner

I’m on my soapbox again about everybody getting a trophy. It is about this time every year when the league says come pick up your trophies. I look at the email and say that my team is not even in the top 3, so why am I coming to get trophies? Oh yeah, everybody gets trophies. To me that is wrong.

How can I teach my kids that you have to excel at something to be the best if everyone gets a trophy for just showing up? We are creating kids that feel that they don’t have to commit to anything with everything they have because they are getting a trophy anyway. This could lead to adults who can’t function in the real world because everything has been given to them. It helps nobody. I see it everyday, adults that can’t handle any negative feedback. Negative feedback creates growth and we don’t have enough of that in this day and age. Everybody is afraid to hurt someone’s feelings.

Are Your Ready for the Holidays?           

The real holiday season is approaching and time to watch that waistline. It can happen really quickly at this time of the year, I mean an expanding waistline. My best advice is to take it easy and stay on that treadmill. Not that I am a fitness expert but an older age man who is fighting that battle myself. Have a strong mindset and just say no. It’s easier than you think. Sometimes.

Speaking of that I just had two muffins. I couldn’t walk by the table and smell those and not take a bite or two. When we get to the turkey and stuffing and desserts though, you have to be aware of what is being consumed. On the other hand, you only live once, so enjoy the holidays also. It is a delicate balance. It is up to you to decide where that line is.

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