Ferguson Police Receive New Software System Worth Over $100,000 from LEFTA

4-Tiered Approach to Curb Violence

ferguson city logo   The City of Ferguson and the Ferguson Police Department have partnered with the leading provider of law enforcement software, LEFTA Systems. LEFTA Systems’ software solutions are used by hundreds of agencies across the nation and will now be used by Ferguson Police Department.

This new technology, worth over $100,000 that LEFTA Systems is donating to Ferguson Police Department, will assist the department in providing the community with the ability to stay connected with the department, provide more transparency to the community, and enable the department to be less burdened by allowing them to focus more on conducting good community policing.

The Ferguson Police Department will use four software applications by LEFTA Systems:

  • Used for newly hired police officers to document the many reports that are required while a new officer is in the field-training program as well as on probation. The software also easily identifies any issues that a new recruit may be having and intervene quickly when additional or specialized training is needed, or when reevaluation of retaining the new recruit is necessary.
  • The software will keep track of any and all training records and certifications required for officers, including community policing; bias-free policing; stop, search and arrest training; First Amendment training; Use of Force training; and CIT training.
  • Allows the agency to collect more information on how officers use force, allowing for more than 160 statistical reports to be generated when an officer is involved in a use of force incident. This included racial correlation between officers and suspects, what type of force officers are using, how often suspects have a mental illness, or how often the suspect or officer are injured during an incident.

All of these software applications will allow the Ferguson Police Department to be very forthcoming and transparent as it pertains to servicing the community and any other relevant inquiries concerning the functionality of the department.

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