Mayor Disputes Group’s Call For Florissant Audit

A group calling itself the Friends of Florissant has collected over 3,200 signatures on a petition to have the state of Missouri audit the city. Mayor Robert Lowery calls it “non-sense” and political.

The group cites several reasons for the petition drive, including understaffing of the Police Department, problems with the city’s golf course, and the sale of the former Our Lady of Fatima convent. In addition, the group alleges that the city has spent “thousands of dollars on unnecessary, extravagant purchases,” and has paid salaries from the Sewer Lateral Fund and Park Improvement Funds.

The group cites concerns with the golf course, saying that the mayor resisted a financial audit of the course, even though it had been losing money. Two golf course employees have recently been indicted for embezzling funds from the course. “We took care of it,” Lowery replied. “They were arrested and indicted.” A new management team is in place at the golf course.

“It’s absolutely nonsense,” Lowery said of the petition. He said that former councilwoman Nancy Lubiewski, who is listed as the contact for Friends of Florissant, was “running for office and wants publicity,” he said of Lubiewski. “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”

Lowery said that when he became mayor eight years ago, there were 72 police officers, and now the city has 90. “This is more than sufficient,” he said.

Lowery also said the city was not involved in the Fatima convent to make money. “We got involved to have neighborhood stabilization,” he said. “We wanted control, not money.”

Lowery said that the city was audited every year. This is required by state law.
“This is negative stuff from ten to twelve people,” Lowery said.

The Friends of Florissant contend that all they want is an honest and independent accounting of the city’s finances and that they cannot get from the city or the mayor.

The St. Louis County Election Board must validate the petition signatures. A percentage of registered voters must sign the petition to cause the state to audit. Approximately 2,600 valid signatures of Florissant residents are needed.

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