Torn Calf Means More Time Watching Football and Venting

For me, the start of 2009 hasn’t been a good one. I took a tumble on our stairs and partially tore my calf muscle. That’s the bad news, the good news, It just meant a few more days on the couch being waited on as I watched every bowl game under the sun.

Most years, I don’t pay that much attention to the games except for the scores but I found myself being intrigued by every game. I usually am bashing the BCS bowl system but this year I think they did things pretty well as all of the games have been very good.

I am looking forward to the big one on Thursday as Oklahoma and Florida will collide. I am actually taking Florida in this one, even though I would like to see Oklahoma win.

As I sit around and listen to people talk, most seem to think that Florida will win also behind the arm and legs of Tim Tebow.

I was very impresses by the Tigers big win in the Alamo bowl, this at least sealed their season with 10 wins, a huge accomplishment for this program. I am very curious to see where some of these players will end up in the NFL draft like Chase Daniels and Chase Coffman.

Pulling for Warner and Arizona

Onto the NFL, same situation, glued to the TV. Great matchups in the early round. The one I was fascinated by the most was the Arizona Cardinals as they stepped up under Kurt Warner and won a home playoff game for the 1st time in over 50 years. I am so happy for this organization as a whole.

I talked to some of the players and they talked about how they are great people in the community. They get out and support the community as a whole with several players at a time at events. Honestly, do I think they will make it past Carolina, I don’t know, they need Anqoin Boldin in the lineup, that will be the key.

I was very upset with Edgerrin James as he has sat on the bench most of the season for the Cards complaining that he never gets the ball and demanded that he be traded, that he was a runner not a blocker. This really makes me mad as you need to be a team player. My thoughts kind of changed though after the game, as he rushed for over 100 yards and helped the Cards win, he said that he doesn’t care about how he felt before, he would trade not playing for winning any day and that he was proud of the organization.

This is a winner in my mind, a guy who can stand up and say he was wrong. Lets go Cards.

The one game that drove me crazy though was the San Diego game as I have taken a dislike to Phillip Rivers after some of the horrible antics that he displayed in a few game towards other players on other teams.

It’ s great to be competitive but come on lets cut the direct insults, there is no need for that. As for the Rams, only time will tell with this team. I know losing hurts but sitting at home listening to all of the National Media just berate you as the worst should give you some kind of incentive to be better next year. At least I hope so. It will be a long off season with a lot of changes, hopefully some good ones under Mr. DeVanney.

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