City of Hazelwood Honors ‘Superintendent of the Year’

Hazelwood Councilman Terry Salfen presented a City Proclamation to Supt. Chris Wright of the Hazelwood School District in recognition of the recent honor she received from the Missouri School Boards’ Association as “2009 Missouri Superintendent of the Year.”

For Salfen, the event had special significance since he used to be a Hazelwood Central High School administrator and head coach.

“Public education needs leaders who inspire and Dr. Wright has demonstrated her remarkable abilities to motivate students and launch them on a quest to achieve academic excellence in the Hazelwood School District,” said Salfen, Hazelwood Councilman of Ward 3. “She has also earned the respect and admiration from her esteemed colleagues in the teaching profession as well as from business leaders throughout the North County area.”

Wright’s impressive career as a teacher and administrator in Missouri public schools encompasses 32 years. She’s been the Superintendent of Hazelwood School District since July 2002. She earned an A.B. from Indiana University in 1973, a M.A. from the University of Missouri-St. Louis in 1982 and a Ph. D. from St. Louis University in 1991.

While at the helm, Wright has overseen the district’s 10-year, three-phase facility improvement plan, which included the passage of two bond issues, the opening of four new middle schools and the renovation of 19 elementary schools, including classroom and library additions.

Hazelwood School District (HSD) has made significant progress in keeping its schools fully accredited under Wright’s leadership. In 2008, HSD’s Annual Performance Report (APR) indicated that it met 10 out of 14 standards. Two years ago, HSD met just six standards. This is a dramatic improvement over a relatively short time period.

The APR or district report card grades public school districts on their status and progress on the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) tests, attendance rate, graduation rate, and college and career placement. It also analyzes the district’s offering of advanced courses and career education courses.

“One of our goals is to encourage the community and family members to support the learning of all children,” said Wright. “This support can be seen in our classrooms and in many of our co-curricular activities. We have great community support for HSD.”

Wright, who was honored as the “2009 Missouri Superintendent of the Year,” also pointed out the importance of helping students develop the soft skills they need to succeed in life.

“Our co-curricular programs are important in enhancing what we are doing in the classroom. Demands for work force performance go beyond the traditional work ethic and basic job skills. They require individuals who can work effectively in teams, show discipline by completing projects on-time, and engage in problem solving activities,” Dr. Wright stated.

With a student population of nearly 20,000, HSD is the second largest district in St. Louis County.

(story courtesy of the City of Hazelwood)

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