Unfortunately For Rams, Games Are Two Halves

I will always give credit where it is due and for the first half of last week’s game against the Seattle Seahawks the Rams played very well. Marc Bulger actually played like a quarterback who wanted to win ducking defenders and making plays. Marc even lined up as a receiver and caught a pass, which was the tbird catch of his career.

At halftime, the Rams led 17-7 and the fans actually gave the team a standing ovation. That was, I think, the first one of those all year.

Then came the second half and you could just feel it in the air, the Seahawks got themselves back into the game and tied it and then on the last play of the game, kicked a field goal to win it. What a deflating feeling for the fans, the team, and the organization as you just got beat by another 2-11 team to now be the second worst team in football. How can this be happening?

Just a few years ago we were the best sports city, now we are getting NFL Rams games blacked out.

I don’t like the blackouts, I understand them but the theory behind them is that if you want to generate interest in the team and the games aren’t put them on TV in that market because then the casual fan might not buy a ticket in an upcoming week. I think the more exposure the better.

The Rams have two games left, and then it all comes to an end, thank goodness. I hope there are enough fans at the 49er game next weekend to pay the electric bill at the Dome. Last week it was pretty scarce in the stand, the true diehards were there. Remember fans, there is always next year, be thankful we have a team.

River City Rage Will Be Back

For the true football fans that cant get enough after the NFL is over, there is good news and bad news, first the bad news. The AFL has decided to take a year off and restructure. These are the games and league that you see on NBC on Saturdays.

There are many great teams including the Philadelphia Soul that is owned by Jon Bon Jovi. The league decided if they would be violable for the future that they would have to restructure themselves. Personally, I think it is a good move. You see that you might be going to have problems and you actually be proactive and fix it.

The good news, this opens the door for the new league that our River City Rage are in to be the spotlight league around the country. It is hard to believe but they start in just a few months and from the looks of it, they are going to be really good. I will have a lot more on this team as we follow them very closely throughout the season.

We actually have a pretty cool TV show setup for the near future as I will be out with the team kicking field goals, this will satisfy a lifelong dream of mine to see if I can kick with a helmet on with some pressure. Sure it will be in a practice but hey, that’s cool enough for me.

Only a few more shopping days till Christmas. Be Safe!!!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

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