Hazelwood Gets New ‘Safe Trade Zone’ for Residents

Hazelwood Police Introduce ‘Safe Trade Zone’

For Buying and Selling

To minimize risk and vulnerabilities

With more people using Facebook groups and Craigslist to buy, sell, and trade property online, the Hazelwood Police Department has introduced the availability of a Safe Trade Zone in a video posted on Facebook.com/HazelwoodPD.

This audiovisual illustrates how safe and convenient this designated area is for conducting business transactions with strangers.

“The purpose of this Safe Trade Zone is to establish a place that minimizes vulnerabilities and risks to anyone who wants to buy, sell, or trade property online with people they don’t know very well,” Hazelwood Police Chief Gregg Hall said. “It maximizes safety and minimizes vulnerabilities and risks.”

The Safe Trade Zone is located in the front parking lot of the Hazelwood City Hall/Police Complex at 415 Elm Grove Lane. The area is well lit at night.

The lot and its accesses are monitored and video recorded on a 24/7 basis. Parking spaces inside the zone are painted in yellow. Banners hanging on a light post and a wind sail/flag identify the location.

These safety features, along with the fact that police officers can respond within seconds, should minimize negative encounters when exchanging cash for property or vice versa.

Not only is the Safe Trade Zone designed for helping people complete transactions initiated online, but also it can be used as a convenient, neutral environment for parents that must meet to exchange children in order to comply with custody orders. In these circumstances, police officers aren’t directly involved or present at the exchange zone. People who have used the Zone report having a heightened level of safety and security there.

Hazelwood Police Chief Gregg Hall offers some good advice for those who intend to set up these types of meetings. “Always incorporate a personal safety plan prior to a contact. Keep family members and close friends aware of where you’re going and who you’re planning to meet,” Chief Hall said. “When meeting the buyer or seller, have one or more friends present if possible, and be aware of your surroundings.” Lastly, Chief Hall encourages users to keep an escape route in mind in case the situation becomes uncomfortable or threatening.

The establishment of a Safe Trade Zone is part of a new #HPDCares community outreach program to let residents know that the department cares about their safety and well being. Residents, as well as people living outside the community are welcome to use it when the need arises. The HPD invites public opinion on this Safe Trade Zone and how the department can do a better job protecting its citizens.

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   ONLINE BUYERS AND SELLERS HAVE SAFE PLACE TO MEET:    The Hazelwood Police Department now offers a Safe Trade Zone which minimizes vulnerabilities and risks to anyone who wants to buy, sell or trade property online with strangers. This designated area in front of the Hazelwood City Hall/Police Complex is well lit at night with parking spaces painted in yellow. It is monitored and video recorded on a 24/7 basis. Plus, police officers can respond within seconds if something goes wrong with the business transaction.


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