On Life, Baseball and NASCAR

Stress, Everday Events

Can be Life-Changing

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner


Have you ever been so stressed out that you feel like you can’t breathe. That seems to be my life lately. With work, 3 kids and a wife and 3 soccer teams to run. The line is being walked. I hear people say quit frequently that they are stressed but now I totally understand it.

I thought I was stressed

before but I know how compounded stress can affect your moods and your health. I am trying my hardest to do my deep breathing exercises to calm me down but even that doesn’t work.

I know I bring a lot of it on myself, wanting to put my best foot forward and be the best I can be–that is all I know.

I try and teach every child that I work with that hard work and respect are what life is all about. I am in the middle of working with my own 3 children in living by the motto, be honest, kind and humble. It is really funny that when I say yes mam and yes sir to anyone, they look at me like I have two heads. What has happened to good old fashioned values.

If that is all you have left in this world, your reputation is what is most important, the legacy that you leave. What will people say about you when you are gone. Will they say, he was an honest, hard working genuine individual. If not, why not. Am I the only one who feels like this. Is good not good enough. When can you be content or are you ever content.

Like Rookie Pitcher, Cards Can’t Get a Break

On to news that is not so honest and heartfelt, how about those St. Louis Cardinals. Can you get a grip on this team. They go on an 5- game streak where they can’t be touched and then that game when they had to play an 18 inning game and then a double header screwed them up.

The team calls up a minor leaguer to pitch in a game

against the Dodgers. All the hype was built up around him pitching in his major league debut at Busch Stadium. His parents are there and all the ESPN national cameras are on him and the family durng the first two innings. It seemed like a fairy tale story.

I sat and watched contently waiting for the best as I love the underdog story. First pitch, a strike. Then downhill. six runs in the first inning, how could this happen. It was painful as a fan to sit and watch and even harder sitting and watching his family go through this.



This is the perfect example of my first paragraph. This kid waited his whole life for this one moment and it wasn’t good enough. Do you think that this is what he had hoped and dreamed for. I guarantee it wasn’t.

How will he rebound, isn’t that the story of life. How well can you pick yourself up and come back. For every success story there are 10 failure stories from each individual. That is what make the strong survive. Be strong.

Jeff Gordon Drives Earnhardt Car

I always talk about it is funny how life comes full circle. For any NASCAR fans out there, who would have ever thought that Jeff Gordon would be driving a Earnhardt car. That is exactly what happened this past weekend.

Dale Jr. has been experiencing concussion like symptoms and asked Jeff to come out of retirement and drive his car. His dad, Dale Sr and Jeff Gordon were fierce competitors back in the day and they caused a Nascar divide amongst fans. The new young guy against the older intimidator.

Now they have come together and are teammates. Who

would have ever thought. This just goes to show you that you should never burn a bridge with someone and until you get to know someone dont judge them. It is funny how some of the people that I had differences with in the past are now great friends of mine. Life is short and funny sometimes, sometimes stressful but always worth it. Be thankful, be kind and be humble like Tim McGraw says. Our reputation and our legacy are all we have.


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