Florissant Proposes Manion Park Plan


Public Meeting July 26 On

Master Plan for Manion Park

The City of Florissant’s Parks and Recreation Department, is seeking public input and discussion on the city’s proposed master plan for Manion Park at 170 Manion Park Drive, Florissant..

A presentation of the proposed master plan for Manion Park will be presented and the public will have an opportunity to express their thoughts, ideas, and suggestions to City before the plan is finalized.   The meeting will be held on July 26 at the James J. Eagan Civic Center at 6:30 p.m.

Florissant intends to submit an application to the St. Louis County Municipal Park Grant Commission to assist in the funding of a project to include an accessible play feature. If the city’s application for the grant is approved and funds are awarded for the renovation project, work will begin in the summer of 2017.


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