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Read MoreFlorissant Council hearings
Public Hearings Held on new Gas Station,
Urgent Care Facility, Medical College, Korte’s
By Carol Arnett
The Florissant City Council met Monday night and there were five public hearings, a resolution and several bills for first reading on the agenda.
In the first public hearing, AM & LB, Inc., requested an amendment to the special use permit to allow for renovations at the property at 3575 Parker Spur. Gary Closer, president of St. Louis County Surveying, spoke for the company. St. Louis County Surveying drew up the plans for the renovation.
The building currently has a gas station with a three bay service station. The plans are to close one service bay and open a convenience store in the station. The restrooms are currently accessible only from the outside of the building; the new plans call for the restrooms to be inside the building. There will also be more security items installed, including new lights and security cameras.
The business will not sell alcohol. “We’re only going to sell what we currently sell,” said Mansoor Biag, the owner of the station. He said the current set-up is very small, but the new design will still be small. “We won’t have room to sell alcohol,” he said. The council held a first reading on the bill that would approve the request.
The second public hearing involved a request for a subdivision of one lot into two lots. The property is at 610 rue St. Francois. John and Michele Reynolds are the owners of the property. They want to move their business, Korte’s, from rue St. Francois to the building in the back of the property. The subdivision would divide the property with a building on each lot. The council held a first reading on the bill that would approve the request.
The third public hearing concerned a request for a special use permit to Bell-Brown Enterprises, doing business as Bell-Brown Medical College, to allow the operation of a medical education facility at 470 Howdershell Rd. This is near the intersection of Howdershell and Flordawn. Jacqueline Brooks spoke for the business.
“Our intent is to open up the location for teaching students to draw blood. These jobs pay more than minimum wage and allow them to find employment at hospitals and doctors’ offices,” she said. The hours will be from 7:30 a.m. – 10 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays. On the weekend, hours will be from 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Councilman Joe Eagan asked about the disposal process for medical waste. They would be disposed of through a medical waste company. The students will be certified in the program they attend when they finish the program. The council held a first reading on the bill that would approve the request.
The fourth public hearing was a request to change the city’s zoning code to allow for a B-5 rezoning. City Building Commissioner Phil Lum spoke to the council about the request. He said that a recent request made the city realize that there was a contradiction between the zoning code and the city’s comprehensive plan. The council held a first reading on the bill that would approve the request.
The request that started the fourth public hearing was the subject of the fifth public hearing. TAUC Properties, LLC, wants to rezone property at 1090 N. Highway 67 from R-4 Single Family District to B-5 Planned Commercial District for an urgent care facility. This property is at the intersection of St. Jean and Lindbergh. TAUC requested that the hearing be postponed, and it was continued. However, Council President Joe Eagan had audience member who were there to speak on the hearing say what they came to say. Two residents who live near the property spoke against the rezoning.
In other action, the council passed a bill that amends the special use permit of Mag Automotive, at 8461 N. Lindbergh to allow the auto body repair shop there to add a paint shop.
The council also passed two bills that appropriate funds from one city account to another, and one bill that allow the mayor to enter into a contract for the installation and maintenance of the HVAC system at the Eagan Center.