Ferguson-Florissant School District Kudos

USDA Farm to School Grant Awarded to District

The Ferguson-Florissant School District has received a $91,500 Farm to School grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The grant covers the next 2 years and is part of $4.8 million awarded by the USDA to 74 school districts in 39 states. The Ferguson-Florissant School District is one of only two districts in Missouri to receive funding.

According to Kelly Bristow, the district’s dietitian who submitted the grant proposal, the grant will provide the opportunity for culinary students to continue their after-school work program at McCluer South-Berkeley High School. Since last school year, students have been processing locally grown tomatoes and sweet potatoes into delicious marinara sauce and sweet potato coins, which are then purchased by the district and used in school lunches.

“The grant will also allow for field trips to local farms so that students can experience and see first hand where our food comes from,” said Bristow.

In addition, the grant will provide funding for the Little Creek Nature Area and five schools to start raised garden beds that could potentially grow herbs and produce to be used in the district’s food program.


   Eight Ferguson-Florissant District teachers shown here earned Apple for the Teacher awards from Iota Phi Lambda Sorority recently.
Eight Ferguson-Florissant District teachers shown here earned Apple for the Teacher awards from Iota Phi Lambda Sorority recently.

Apple for the Teacher Award Given To Ferguson-Florissant Educators

Eight Ferguson-Florissant School District educators were honored by the Alpha Zeta Chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. at a luncheon Saturday, Nov. 21. They received the 2015 Apple for the Teacher award, which is presented annually to outstanding educators throughout the United States during American Education Week.

Awardees and their schools/positions are as follows:

  • Laura Caldwell, Halls Ferry Elementary School
  • Shiela Carves, Johnson-Wabash Elementary School
  • Michelle Grigsby, McCluer South-Berkeley High School
  • Michelle Motil, McCluer High School
  • Dr. Donna Paulette-Thurman, Board of Education
  • Erica Peques, McCluer High School
  • Yvette Rhodes, Griffith Elementary School
  • Dr. Gwendolyn Diggs, Central Administration



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