Tuesday Prop S vote

Florissant Residents

Approve 1/4-cent

Sales Tax For Streets

By better than a two-to-one majority Florissant residents Tuesday approved Prop S, the 1/4-cent sales tax increase that will be used to maintain city streets. The vote was 2473 “for” to 1172 “against.”

Prop S had wide support with the city council unanimously favoring the sales tax and backed also by local labor and many businesses.

Mayor Tom Schneider applauded the city residents’ support of the ballot issue. “It’s encouraging that the people of Florissant appreciate our efforts to move our city forward,” he said Tuesday night. He praised efforts of all the city council members, volunteers, labor and business to get this passed. “It was an honor to be part of such a noble group of people working together for the progress of the City of Florissant.”

The average age of Florissant streets is about 56 years old, but some are as many as 75 years old. It will cost between $730,000 and $1 million to replace a mile of street, Prop S proponents stated. The sales tax increase is expected to raise about $1.3 to $1.6 million in additional revenues.

The Florissant City Council had approved a resolution that these funds will be strictly for street maintenance and repair. They will not be mixed with general funds.

Leaders in the Prop S efforts included Mayor Schneider, City Council members, Police Chief Timothy Lowery and others had stressed that non-resident shoppers who use city streets will pay a large portion of the additional 1/4-cent sales tax.

Former Mayor Robert G. Lowery and Mrs. Grace Zykan were honorary co-chairs of the Florissant For Safe Streets committee. Chief Tim Lowery and Councilwoman Jackie Pagano were co-chairs. Four public town hall meetings on the need for Prop S approval were held last month. There was no organized opposition to Prop S         -Bob Lindsey

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