The Dining Divas Find Delight After Adventurous Menu and Sticker Shock

For over 15 years, the Dining Divas have been checking out new restaurants…or at least new to us. For over 15 years, we’ve called ourselves the “Divas,, but the title never really applied. For over 15 years, I’ve never wanted to crawl under a table in embarrassment. Until now. 15 years later, the title applied, and I wanted to hide. Fortunately, I can laugh about it now.

All these years, the responsibility of choosing restaurants usually falls on my shoulders with the help of the Social Diva. We take the recommendations of others into consideration, but many times, we never get any. It’s nice for the group to just show up and never have to worry about planning the “where” and the “when.” I don’t mind doing this. Neither does the Social Diva. And we’re good at it.

We take into consideration price. We try to make sure the menu isn’t too expensive. We take into consideration the variety of foods. We have a diverse group and want to make sure everyone can find something they like. We consider location, atmosphere, and how new the restaurant is (we’ve had bad luck with recently opened places). Even though we consider all these things, regardless if we miss the mark on it all, it still doesn’t ruin our evening together. We still love each other’s company and spend the evening chatting and laughing.

This evening was different. As usual I had picked out a restaurant, and then I learned that the restaurant of choice wouldn’t split up the check and would only allow four credit cards. So I alerted the Divas to bring cash. Already, the group had an unpleasant opinion of the restaurant so I decided to change the restaurant. Being very busy at the time, I didn’t have energy to do this so I enlisted the help of the Social Diva. She gladly took over and went with the recommendation of the Cultured Diva.

Unbeknownst to either of them, I had hesitations about the replacement restaurant. The Cultured Diva had suggested it before to me, and I had already been taken there before as a client. It was extremely expensive, the menu was limited, and the food items were unusual. But the food I had was great. At this point, being that it was the day before our Divas outing, I didn’t object. This group likes to try out new things. We don’t pick just average, everyday places. So I just went with it. And now I get a good laugh out of it.

As it was less than one month from this Engaged Diva’s nuptials, I showed up at the restaurant with Diva ingredients they were preparing for the wedding. They were waiting outside. I noticed the concern in their eyes. They had glanced over the menu. A waitress came out to greet us as we waited for the others and sat outside. Politely, we told her we were just waiting for a few others. Secretly, we were considering taking off in our cars.

When the rest of the group showed up, a few of the Divas went inside and sat down. Not realizing the Latecomer Diva was plotting the getaway car outside, they proceeded to talk to the waitress and to check out the menu. Once the rest of the group showed up, that’s when the Divas really earned their titles.

If it was appropriate, the Non-Confrontational, Libra Diva would have sat at the table with her napkin covering her face. The dining area at Farmhaus, 3257 Ivanhoe, is small, and in the room we were in, there was only one other table, a two-top, occupied. And it was right next to us. So they heard everything.

The Honest Divas as politely as possible told the poor waitress that there wasn’t anything on the menu that we’d like. The Unreserved Diva didn’t hesitate to hide her dislike at a couple unique items on the menu. That hardworking waitress did a wonderful job of explaining every item on the menu to us and assuring us that their food was wonderful. She had to be frustrated with us, but she did a great sales job. Even the patrons next to us chimed in to tell us what they were eating and how wonderful it was. So we stayed. I’m not sure the redness ever lightened on the Embarrassed Diva’s cheeks.

We’re usually really good at trying things out, but at these prices, we were more hesitant. We had sticker shock. As the Discriminating Diva pointed out, “Judging from the lack of diners in the restaurant, we aren’t the only picky eaters in St. Louis.”

And not to this Divas surprise (since I’d already been there before), the food at the Farmhaus   was fantastic.

“You get what you pay for” seems appropriate here. Their specialty drink of fresh watermelon, lime, vodka was very tasty and went down smooth. The Roasted Ozark Forest Mushroom Salad Crop Circle with spicy greens, goat’s milk cheese, toasted Missouri pecans, and warm bacon vinaigrette was “to die for.”

A couple Divas shared the steak that was accompanied by mashed potatoes and wax string beans.   “Delicious!”

The Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf with mashed potatoes was prepared with smoked onions and a tomato Merlot reduction.  The sauce was so good that the Italian Diva wanted to lick the plate clean.   She could have. It wouldn’t have surprised the Embarrassed Diva any more than she already was.   It must have been all of the butter and cream they used on the Yukon gold and sweet mashed potatoes that made this combination so delectable.

Comprised from the freshest local ingredients, the food mostly comes from local farms, cheesemakers, and bakers. Nestled in south city on Ivanhoe, this intriguing restaurant is a place for special occasions where you are prepared to spend a little more. With heart in every dish, the edgier menu challenged the Divas to step outside our comfort zone. We didn’t do much stepping out (meatloaf, steak, and salad!!!), but we did end up having a wonderful dining experience.

Unlike many of the Divas, you won’t have sticker shock, and you shouldn’t let items like “pig heart” and “sheepshead” keep you from trying out the interesting menu.

Farmhaus, 3257 Ivanhoe, St. Louis, MO 63139

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