Hazelwood Officials Express Benefits of Park 370 TIF


The Hazelwood City Council went back into history last week with a mild celebration of some major results of their Park 370 TIF situation.

Park 370 refers to the area surrounding the Mills Mall and the TIF bond (tax increment funding) is the method used to bring industry and development into the area. Ninety percent of the TIF bond has been retired at $24,385,000.

Mayor T. R. Carr had issued an invitation to former Mayor Dave Farquharson, former council members, city staff and members who had served on the city’s TIF Commission to attend the meeting. “This project exemplifies the positive impact that the proper and careful utilization of TIF can have on a community. You are to be congratulated on your foresight and work in making this happen,” he said in the invitation.

After the meeting TIF Commission member Bill Young discussed his experiences on the commission. “We had a strong negative reaction on the TIF by some people and had we not gone forward with the TIF we would have lost the dynamic economic impact of 170 new businesses , the Mills Mall and 26 new businesses in Park 370.

“Unfortunately a lot of people in Hazelwood did not know the positive impact the TIF has made in Hazelwood,” he concluded.

In other action, the council approved a resolution supporting the application for a municipal park grant for Truman Park. After the meeting Parks and Recreation Superintendent Doug Littlefield was elated. “The passing of this resolution was a great thing for the city because it authorizes us to apply for funding from the Municipal Park Grant Commission. If these funds are secured we will be able to continue phase two of our trail which will eventually connect Truman Park to the St. Stanislaus conservation area and ultimately to the much larger Missouri River Greenway Trail system.

“Before the trail was started, it was only accessible by those who could navigate some very difficult terrain, when we are done this trail will allow greater success for most anyone who wants to enjoy the beauty of one of the few ‘natural settings’ we have in Hazelwood,” he said.

The council held a public hearing and gave first reading to a bill granting a special use permit to Rabih Hamed, for Ali Baba restaurant, located in Hazelwood Office Park at the northwest corner of Lindbergh Blvd. and Lynn Haven Lane.

Hamed told the council they would serve Lebanise food at the restaurant and the hours of operation would be 11 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. They plan on opening on the 7th of next month. Hamed said the new sign at the restaurant was in accordance with the city’s code, answering a council member’s question

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