Muny’s Children’s Show Plays until Aug. 7

Beauty and the Beast is Pure Enchantment

There is no better place than The Muny to return to our fairy tale childhoods and experience an enchanting quest for happily ever after. This week’s production of Beauty and the Beast is the ultimate fairy tale that makes the members of the audience glad to be their guest and grateful for a happy ending that sends them home humming.

Nicholas Rodrigues is a credible Beast whose booming voice instills fear in everyone. He has been in a foul mood since the day an enchantress transformed him from a handsome, but spoiled, prince into a hairy beast. The spell that has been placed on the prince and his entire castle staff can only be broken when someone falls in love with him. This seems unlikely when the Beast can’t even love himself. It is only when the beautiful, intelligent Belle (Kate Rockwell) comes to the Beast’s castle in search of her lost father that the spellbound characters begin to have hope of returning to their former lives.

Every cast member of Beauty and the Beast gives an excellent performance in this show. Among the many memorable characters are the burly, self-centered Gaston (Nathaniel Hackmann), who belts out songs appropriately titled, “Me” and “Gaston,”and sweet Mrs. Potts (Marva Hicks), the housekeeper who has been turned into a teapot, beautifully delivers the title song, “Beauty and the Beast.” The big dance number of “Be Our Guest,” led by the lovable Lumiere (Rob McClure), showcases the ensemble and youth ensemble in glittery gold Muny style.

Beauty and the Beast will be performing its Disney magic on audiences of all ages now through Sunday, Aug. 7.

Beauty and the Beast at the Muny-11   -Pat Lindsey-

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