Living Your Dreams Through Your Kids Has New Meaning When They Get Opportunity

by Randy Gardner

I have never watched so much soccer in my life as I have over the past couple of years, with three boys that absolutely love and live soccer on a daily basis I have to **Randy Gardner photo**love it. As a young boy all I wanted to do was to play soccer at the professional level, after making it to the verge of becoming a pro and being cut it is sometimes difficult to watch and think that this could have been me.

Now all I can do is live through my kids. By this I mean giving them the opportunity to learn and become good on their own, not by me pushing them into something because I didn’t make it. That is what I see in every facet of life whether it is soccer, football or ballet dancing. It’s shameful. These parents that see their kids as a ticket to money and greatness are ridiculous. As I grow older, I think I am truly understanding the meaning of this as long as my kids are happy. I really don’t care what they do in life as long as they are productive and happy.

For me to sit and watch the Home Run Derby Monday or U.S. Soccer with my kids on Tuesday and let them stay up past their bedtime is awesome. There is no greater reward in life than being a father. Remember dads, it’s about being that real man for your kids, a role model.

They don’t care what you do or how much you make but they do care that you spend some time with them and play with them. It truly makes a difference. It took me a number of years to learn this and it came from the school of hard knocks but I do realize it now and wouldn’t change it for the world.

Women’s World Cup Members Are Now Famous

How about those ladies of the World Cup winning team? My, how they have become instant celebrities. Not that they weren’t before but they are becoming everyday names now.  It was funny as the final game was going on I saw several players adding zeroes to their promotional budget fees. It is great how in life one moment in time can change your entire life. I tell myself and my kids everyday that someone is watching and noticing every thing you do and you don’t even know it sometimes. These are the principles that can change your life.

Success is right around the corner many times or right behind a certain door but we fail to move forward and don’t open that door. Life is about not being afraid to make mistakes and not being afraid to learn. If you listen to most of those National team ladies, they don’t make a lot of money playing women’s professional soccer but they certainly cashed in now by following their dreams and staying on the path to greatness. We all have it inside of us—don’t think that you don’t.

In the meantime, the second half of the baseball season begins this weekend and we will learn how good this 2015 Cardinal team really is. They should have lots of first-string players back in the next few weeks and that will help.

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