Metro Market Coming June 5 to Rock Road MetroLink Station

Citizens for Modern Transit, in partnership with Beyond Housing, Great Rivers Greenway and Metro, will host a Metro Market on Friday, June 5 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Rock Road MetroLink Station, 7025 St. Charles Rock Road in Pagedale. The event, a part of Beyond Housing’s First Friday series, is free and offers residents the opportunity to experience what “could be” in terms of shopping, eateries and entertainment at this and other MetroLink stations if the community invested in transit-oriented development.

“Instead of stepping on or off the bus or train and walking into a large lot filled with parked cars, we want transit users to see their favorite coffee shop, dry cleaners, happy hour spot or retail store,” said Kim Cella, executive director of Citizens for Modern Transit. “The region has invested millions of dollars in its award-winning transit system. Now is the time to use that system as an impetus to build walkable, sustainable, mixed-use neighborhoods. The upcoming Metro Market event will enable us to give the community a glimpse of this type of investment in action.”

The Metro Market will feature local food, live music, a farmers’ market, various children’s activities and access to information about local community service and non-profit organizations. Representatives from MetroLink, Great Rivers Greenway, Beyond Housing and the Clean Air Partnership will also be available to share information about a new downloadable transit app, the extension of the St. Vincent Greenway, First Friday events taking place through September and local clean air initiatives, respectively.

“MetroLink has the opportunity to serve as a catalyst to help revitalize some of the neighborhoods in St. Louis experiencing disinvestment,” added Cella. “We encourage area residents to join us June 5. It will be a great way for the community to better understand the vision behind transit-oriented development.”

Citizens for Modern Transit offers more information at 314-231-7272,, and on Facebook or Twitter @cmt_stl.

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