Is Jim Haslett The Right Coach to Take Over The Troubled Rams?


What a two-day event it was on Sunday and Monday as the Rams got it handed to them once again, and this time though, the loss causing the job of coach Scott Linehan.

The Rams looked good in the first half as the new QB starter Trent Green stepped in and performed well. The defense really stepped their game in the first half as players were swarming to ball on almost every play.

Halftime. The players went in and when they came out, it was a different team. The fans that were once into the game like they were years ago now fell dormant to the concurrent succession of horrible plays by both the defense and offense. Ultimately, the Rams lost big and on Sunday evening or should I say Monday morning at about 2 a.m. Coach Linehan was informed that he was going to be let go, replaced by defensive coordinator Jim Haslett.

On Monday, Rams Park looked like the Vice-Presidential race as both live trucks and satellite trucks lined the parking lot along with every media person within 500 miles. ESPN was flashing it on the screen like it was an event of National Security.

New Coach Jim Haslett stepped to the mic and took the reigns of a pretty poor football team. Will he be able to change things around? We don’t know but some are talking about him being the wrong guy for the job. Should we reward a coach that has basically proved nothing to this organization in terms of winning?

The defense is horrible. I thought maybe that they would go to Henry Ellard route as he has been with the organization for 20 plus years and has proven to be very successful as a receiver’s coach. We will see how this season unfolds, will this be Haslett’s team into next year or do we start over, fresh, away from the inner workings of this squad?

Team Photo Was Postponed

You kind of new something was in the works as the Rams postponed their team picture on Tuesday. If that isn’t the ultimate act of saying something was going to happen, I don’t know what is. Do you take the picture this week or will the team have a new look even next?

If the team can pull out a few wins though here over the next daunting weeks against Washington , Dallas and New England Haslett and the management will be geniuses. The only good thing about the bye week is that we can’t loose. The most encouraging aspect is that the second half schedule is no way as tough as the first eight games and the West division leaders are only 2-2.

I felt sorry for Linehan as he exited the field on Sunday, as the fans were just brutal to him while they cheered for Trent Green. Who would have ever thought we would be where we are right now. It’s a total mess.

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