Thoughts Wander As Rams Provide Little In Sports Entertainment


As I sat and watched the Rams get their butts handed to them for a third straight week, my mind drifted off to several other things. Like wow that fluorescent green stripe on the Seahawks jersey is pretty cool, look at the fluorescent green shoes, how do they make those, and I wonder why the sun is out at the game. Isn’t it usually cloudy and rainy in Seattle.

Never once did I think about the aspect of this Rams team actually winning, isn’t that sad. That is what the world for Rams fans has become, a constant agony that just doesn’t go away. We know going into every game we know they have little chance of winning and by the effort that the players are putting forth neither do they.

It’s sad that week after week, I sit here and write about the same darn things. A lack of effort and a lack of results but that’s what we are getting. When does the management step up and make a change? Not a small one but one that rocks the team that will show the fans that they mean business because right now, everyone has lost faith in this franchise.

The sad thing about though is that with a few wins the ship can be turned right side facing, but they need that jolt and where will it come from? I could bore you with the numbers both dismal on offense and defense but you have been bored enough watching the games in person and on TV. I want those hours of my life back.

This week is Buffalo, then a bye and then Dallas, this does not bid well for the Rams. The ship can only leak so long before it sinks.

Sports Scene Has Changed Since Earlier in Decade

On that front, how in just the span of eight years or so can we go from the best sports city to one that is being made fun of on the National TV sports shows? It’s a disgrace. I know that I am being very harsh and bitter but I love St. Louis, these are my teams, this is my town. I want that distinction back as the best sports town. What will it take?

All of our energy now is in the Mizzou Tigers and the Blues. Mizzou is our best opportunity to make us winners again. The Tigers slipped a spot in the national poles after the somewhat close one against Buffalo but will now be put to the test in a big way as they start facing some major powerhouses. I have a lot of faith in this squad; I am just hoping that after Kelly Chase leaves that the pro teams won’t sway Coach Pinkel away with a huge contract.

In the world of hockey, do you know that we have not had a playoff game since 2004? That is a heck of a long time for the Blues not to be in the playoffs after a run for 15 plus years without missing the playoffs. I think the new third jersey will be the lucky charm for this team. If you have not seen it, the jersey is pretty awesome. It just says, playoff hockey.

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