Dining Divas: Scape


Central West End wouldn’t be our first choice when the Dining Divas are looking for comfort food, but a dreary night with lots of rain made this Divas outing far from comforting.

We were riding the storm out, joking that we never expected to have to deal with hurricanes in the middle of St. Louis as we all showed up individually at Scape located in Maryland Plaza. One major downside to this very trendy restaurant in the very hip Central West End is the lack of parking. Some of us parked a couple blocks away. Some parked “illegally” in Straub’s lot just down the street. Some paid six dollars to valet. None of it was convenient, especially in the rain.

Scape made up for the rain, the lack of parking, and the cost of valet. Phil, our fabulous waiter, provided personal attention to this indecisive group who insisted on hearing about the desserts first before the dinner specials. He also had to give us his favorite choices on the menu and play a game of “which would you like better”. He recommended incredible comfort food for the dreary evening. Yes, in the Central West End, we talked meatloaf and mac and cheese.

That’s what I liked most about Scape. It’s chic yet open-minded. Aggressive and risky, yet laid back and relaxing. Compliments of the chef, we were treated to salmon tartar as an amuse bouche or a “mouth teaser” that the chef selects. We were also served pretzel bread rolls and grape focaccia with a delicious bean dip and a whole grain mustard butter. Inventive yet approachable.

With a nice start to our meal, we got lost in bread and politics. Sarah Palin had just come on the scene. All the women at the table were impressed with her, but not all were convinced. The Diva who tends to drink Jim Beam with a side of Diet Coke said one thing was for sure. Sarah Palin would be lots of fun for a ladies’ night of drinking. We all agreed, regardless of who wins, the new White House is going to be remarkable.

Phil didn’t disappoint with his dinner suggestions. The Greek Diva had the BBQ shrimp appetizer with cheese grits as her meal, knowing that she needed to save room for dessert. Everyone at the table agreed that she made the best choice. One Diva loved the meatloaf and mashed potatoes and loved it even more the next day as leftovers. Another Diva liked it, too, but thought “Mom’s” is better. The Colorful Diva went for a far-from-average juicy cheeseburger with French fries. Yet another indulged in a delicious crock of onion soup served in a whole onion. And satisfying our need for comfort food, the macaroni and cheese with bread crumbs baked on top did the trick.

Those of us who had been comforted too much by our dinners had to skip dessert. Those who were better planners delighted in ordering bananas foster crepes and white chocolate bread pudding. The bananas foster crepes filled with chocolate chip gelato and perfectly ripe bananas sautéed in buttery caramel goodness silenced the diners. They loved them. A couple Divas enjoyed the bread pudding while another said she’s definitely had better. But they were satisfied.

We all were. Although a dreary night weather-wise, dinner at Scape in the Central West End was an excellent choice. Next time, we’ll check out the pleasant back courtyard and perhaps the $5 martini specials. Next time, we’ll leave the galoshes home and umbrellas in our cars. And maybe next time, we won’t mind the trek a couple blocks away to the restaurant, weather permitting.

Who knows? Perhaps next time we’ll enjoy a couple cocktails at Scape with a VP candidate on the campaign trail…although I’m not sure she’s a Jim Beam with a side of Diet Coke kind of girl.

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