Judge Brockmeyer Takes Leave From Florissant Courts

Judge had earlier resigned from Ferguson and Dellwood

In response to the resignation of Judge Ronald Brockmeyer as municipal judge in Ferguson and prosecutor in Dellwood, Florissant Mayor Tom Schneider has requested that Judge Brockmeyer take a leave of absence from the city’s municipal court. Schneider said Brockmeyer has accepted the leave of absence.

“We appreciate the seriousness of the current events and realize that Florissant does not exist in a vacuum,” the mayor said in a statement. “I intend to review all the pertinent elements that contribute to the successful administration of the business of the court and most importantly our elected Municipal Judge Dan Boyle.” The mayor said he would not interfere with “sovereign powers vested in our elected judge.” He hasn’t been able to talk to Judge Boyle (as of Tuesday night) because his wife was in labor delivering their first child.

The City of Ferguson received the resignation of Judge Brockmeyer on March 9. The resignation was effective immediately and the Missouri Supreme Court appointed Judge Roy L. Richter who began to preside over the Ferguson Municipal Court cases on Monday, March 16. The first court docket was to be on Thursday, March 19.

“The City of Ferguson Court staff is looking forward to working with Judge Richter, as it begins to regain the trust of the Ferguson Community,” said Ferguson Mayor James Knowles III. “We understand there has been mistrust for some time, but the naming of Judge Richter will begin a new chapter for our Court,” Knowles added.

The City Council instructed the City Clerk to advertise a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in order to begin the process for the selection of a new Municipal Judge. “The City will seek a reform minded Judge that will lead our court in a new direction, and will allow offenders to leave with a belief that they were treated fairly,” said Knowles.

All court cases that are scheduled prior to Thursday, March 19, will be continued to a later date. If you have a court appearance scheduled, the Ferguson Court Clerk will send notification by mail with a new court date.


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