Florissant City Council Meeting

Mayor Outlines Efforts to Save

License Office For the Rotary Club

         By Jeremey Thomas

The Florissant city council discussed and passed several bills up for approval Monday Jan. 12 and passed a resolution detailing a request to the state to reconsider the state license office for the Florissant Rotary Club.

Recently Missouri governor Jay Nixon decided not to renew the Florissant license office contract with the Florissant Rotary Club. Instead the Nixon administration has decided to award the Florissant license office to a for profit business in St. Charles rather than the not for profit Rotary Club here in Florissant. During Monday night meeting Mayor Tom Schneider voiced his opinion with the city council and citizens.

“I have personally talked with Governor Nixon, about renewing the license for the Rotary Club here in Florissant. I gave him several key figures that display the importance the Rotary Club means to both the citizens of Florissant, as well as those who benefit from it,” Mayor Schneider said.

“$2.3 million have been donated by the Florissant Rotary club alone to North County charities it does a tremendous job people less fortunate, and does an excellent job at provided assist in times of tragedy, we just urge the governor to reconsider his decision,”

Schneider outlined the impact that the Florissant Rotary Club has had on North County. Here are just a view key statistics. The Rotary Club has contributions that include $10,000 to Ferguson when the tornado hit, $312,000 to the Florissant Sheltered Workshop, and $282,000 to the Margrove Home for neglected and abused children, among other charities.

During the meeting the council also discussed and passed one request, while also passing three bills that were up for first reading. A bill amending “Schedule of court costs” passed after a second and third reading.

A request was approved t to transfer an existing non-conforming special use permit from Sullivan Tire & Auto to DAK Enterprises, Western Tire & Auto for the operation of a Tire and Auto business located at 8123 North Lindbergh.

An ordinance was approved for rezoning New Halls Ferry Real Estate located at 15275 & 15267 New Halls Ferry Road, from a B-4 Single Family District to a B-5 Planned Commercial District to allow for Imo’s, which will be a sit-down, carry-out restaurant

Another ordinance was approved and passed for an established compensation plan for the seasonal employees of the city of Florissant. One bill which would approve operations of a CVC pharmacy at Florissant Meadows and change the zoning from a B-3 Extensive Commercial District to a B-5 Planned Commercial District, has been postponed until the next city council meeting, on Jan. 26.

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