Randy’s Random Thoughts On Frantic Holiday Season

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

It’s that frantic season right now for everybody. If you drive on the highway everybody is flying by you like you are standing still. If you are shopping everybody is mad that you are not moving fast enough.

No matter what is going on somebody is always in a bigger hurry than you. This is what our lives have become. Rush, rush, rush along with who can buy the best Christmas presents at the best price. I talk about this every year but the best part of the holidays are being with your family.

What would happen if you decided not to exchange gifts with anyone this year and just enjoy the company. Inside a card, you could write something good about somebody. Wouldn’t that be much more meaningful to someone than a shirt or a tie.

All too often we get caught up in that rat race of keeping up with the Joneses. What are we doing. The most respected people in this world are the ones that are comfortable with themselves not caring what they drive or how much money they make or what kind of house they live in. They are genuine people that are honest and trustworthy. Success in all avenues of life seem to just find these people.

We talk every year about our New Year’s resolutions about losing weight and working out. Lets all try something that we can really stick to and would make much more of a difference than that phony outward appearance that many of us try to make.

It seems like the harder someones tries to be somebody important, the more they are truly miserable inside. I equate this to sports in the reality that once an athlete recognizes his faults and weaknesses and can work on those individually, they become a better team player. This lesson can roll right into our lives also.

I have realized through life and coaching that I am not going to be able to make everyone happy all the time. There are tough decisions to be made but if your heart is in the right place and you are respectful, the outcomes are usually positive. I am experiencing this issue as a coach right now.

Let’s think about ourselves during this season, that is how we can make ourselves better. When we feel good about ourselves it rubs off on other people. Take time to read a book about success and put your self in that position no matter how successful you already are.

Everyday, I spend 10 minutes in the car listening to a tape about being positive and trying to make a positive impact on somebody or some situation everyday. Those little actions like holding a door open for someone or saying maam and sir to others go along way. It makes you feel really good inside. Life is a long journey and each day is a milestone.

Make yourself 1/1000th better everyday and at the end of 2015, you will look back at a totally different person. Life is about giving of yourself to others whether it is donating your time to coach or help the elderly. Be a difference maker. If you make one person smile or be happier a day. You are truly a difference maker. Be accountable to yourself.


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