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Friday, Sept. 26
Project Hands at St. Catherine Retirement Community, 3350 St. Catherine St. at 2 p.m. Volunteers needed to knit, crochet and quilt for various children’s organizations on the last Friday of every month. RSVP to 314-383-3877.
Fried Chicken Dinner at Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105, 410 St. Francois from 5 – 8 p.m. All profits go to support Veterans. Call 831-6121 for more information.
Saturday, Sept. 27
Dance/Sock Hop at St.Barnabas’ Episcopal Church, 2900 St. Catherine, from 7 – 10 p.m. Dance and listen to the music of the 50s, 60s and ‘70s. Live band, featuring the “Hot Flashes.” $20 per person in advance; $25 at the door. Drink tickets, door prizes. For more information call 314-837-7113.
Trivia Night at St. Mark’s UnitedMethodist Church at 6:30 p.m. A family event to benefit youth group and missions. $10 per person, up to 10 at a table. Bring your own food, soda and snacks provided. Silent auction and attendance prizes. Call Debbie at 314-837-9404 or Shirley at 314-731-3409 to reserve a table.
St. Louis Chordinals Trivia and 4-Part Harmony at Machinist’s Hall, 12365 St. Charles Rock Rd. in Bridgeton. Doors open 6:30 p.m., trivia at 7. $15 per person, 8-10 to a table. Soda/popcorn provided. Food, table decorations and alcoholic beverages permitted. Cash prizes to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. Attendance prizes. For reservations call Mary at 314-428-8307.
HealthFest at Hazelwood East High School, 11300 Dunn Rd. Presented by Shalom Church. Several health screenings offered. Flu shots available. Representatives from several services and resources will be there. Pre-register by calling 314-653-2322.
Sunday, Sept. 28
Meet Shoot at Florissant Elks Lodge 2316, 16400 New Halls Ferry Rd. from noon until dusk. Shoots will be held every Sunday until Dec. 14 (no shoot on Dec. 7). For more information, call 314-921-2316.
Organ Concert at Church of the Master, 1325 Paddock at 4 p.m. Concert by Tim Clark, Music Director. Free Will Offering to Music Fund. For more information, call 314-921-3344.
Tuesday, Sept. 30
Bingo at Florissant Elks Lodge 2316, 16400 New Halls Ferry Rd. Doors open at 4:30 p.m., games start at 6. For more information, call 314-921-2316. Offered every Tuesday evening.
Wednesday, Oct. 1
Exercise with Melanie and Ann at St. Catherine Retirement Community, 3350 St. Catherine St. Classes are led by a Physical Therapist with the use of weights and resistance bands that are provided. Offered every Monday and Wednesday at 1 p.m. RSVP by calling 838-3877.
Bingo at Florissant Elks Lodge 2316, 16400 New Halls Ferry Rd. Doors open at 7:30 a.m., games start at 9:30. For more information, call 314-921-2316. Offered every Wednesday morning.
Thursday, Oct. 2
Blood Drive at Immanuel United Church of Christ, 221 Church St. in Ferguson from 2:30 – 6 p.m. To register, go to www.bloodcenterIMPACT.org and use sponsor code 10087. For more information, call Krescene Beck at 314-521-7324.
Blood Pressure Clinic at St. Catherine Retirement Community, 3350 St. Catherine St. at 10 a.m. Refreshments served. RSVP by calling 838-3877. Also offered Oct. 16.
Friday, Oct. 3
Fall Church Rummage Sale at St. Stephen Episcopal Church 33 N. Clay in Ferguson (corner of Darst and Clay) from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Many items. Clothes, books, collectibles, toys, shoes, small furniture and videos. Sale continues Saturday, Oct 4, from 8:30 a.m. to 1p.m.
Steak Night at Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105, 410 St. Francois St. from 5 – 8 p.m. All profits go to support Veterans. Call 831-6121 for more information.
Tai Chi for Seniors at St. Catherine Retirement Community, 3350 St. Catherine St. at 10 a.m. Reduce stress, strengthen joints, develop balance and coordination. RSVP by calling 838-3877. Offered every Friday in Oct.
Saturday, Oct. 4
Big Rummage Sale, at Florissant Presbyterian Church, 660 Charbonier Road, from 7 – 11 a.m. Housewares, tools, toys, books, seasonal decorations, shoes, clothing and miscellaneous.
Sunday, Oct. 5
Meet Shoot at Florissant Elks Lodge 2316, 16400 New Halls Ferry Rd. from noon until dusk. Shoots will be held every Sunday until Dec. 14 (no shoot Dec. 7). For more information, call 314-921-2316.
Monday, Oct. 6
Line Dancing with Minnie at St. Catherine Retirement Community, 3350 St. Catherine St. at 6 p.m. Beginners welcome. RSVP by calling 838-3877. Offered every Monday.
Thursday, Oct. 9
Fashions for Food clothing sale at St. Mark’s Methodist Church, 315 Graham Road, from 8:30-11 a.m. All proceeds go to local food pantries. Sale is held on the second Thursday of each month. (972-7838).
Northside Art Association meets on the second Thursday of each month to paint together at the Hazelwood Community Center, 1186 Teson Road, at 10 a.m. (J. Frericks, 837-5816)
Saturday, Oct. 11
Flea Market at VFW Post 4105, 410 rue St. Francois from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Tables are $10. Call Rich at 837-7057 to reserve a table.
Home cooked breakfast at VFW Post 4105, 410 rue St. Francois, from 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. $5 per person.
Sunday, Oct. 12
Sprig and Twig Garden Club Fall Flower Show “How Does My Garden Grow?” at the Florissant Senior Center, 521 St. Francois Street, from noon – 5 p.m. Free admission. Also look for club’s plant sale at the Florissant Fall Festival.