Some Fans Could Gain A Little More Patriotism Watching World Soccer


What a weekend it was for soccer on TV. Actually, the entire month was filled with excitement as Euro 2008 got a lot of airtime here in the United States.

For many, it was one of the first times that they watched soccer on TV besides the World Cup. For the avid soccer fan, it was great as all of he games were a lot of fun. The final game between Spain and Germany was excellent as Spain won 1-0 ending a 44-year drought in the Euro league championships.

The one thing that is so cool about the sport overseas is that the players and fans have such passion for their country.

When they play the anthem from their country the players sing and have their arms around each other, the fans are going crazy, huge flags are waving and people have tears of passion in their eyes.

It is a great setting, unlike here in the states where you will see people not even stand for the National Anthem or they won’t take their hat off. It is an utter disgrace. I have seen this at almost every sporting venue through the years. It is not everyone but enough people that I am writing about it. With it being the holiday of Independence Day, take time out to celebrate what we truly have here in this country.

Rage Season Ends After Great Start—–

What a season it has been for the River City Rage Indoor Football Team. After going 3-0, they proceeded to lose 7 in a row and go 3-7. Then the team won a few in a row and got themselves in the playoffs.

The team won in the first round on the last play of the game , but went down to defeat 33-7 Monday night to the Bloomington Extreme for the Division Championship in Bloomington. They have struggled through the years but have always came out with a team and an owner willing to support them. The fans have supported them also and a championship would have done wonders for this franchise.

How may of you enjoy watching Tennis? I can watch it for a while but I can watch it even longer when Maria Sharipova is playing. Unfortunately though she got bounced out of the tournament after being seeded number 2 by basically an unranked player.

I don’t care what anybody says, the general consensus by most of the people I polled was that a Maria in the tournament would keep them tuned in. The outfits seemed to be the number one attribute amongst Maria fans but one thing that disturbed a lot of others was the grunting every time she hits the ball. If you haven’t paid any attention. Watch the next time she is on and you will know what I mean. Happy 4th of July Holiday.

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