Florissant Dropping Red Light Cameras

By Carol Arnett

Red light cameras in Florissant are officially a thing of the past. The Florissant City Council passed a bill Monday night that will repeal the section of the city code that allows the cameras.

The city began the program in 2005. Since then, red light programs have faced court challenges. In 2013, the Missouri Court of Appeals issued opinions on similar programs and determined that the ordinances allowing the cameras are in conflict with state law.

The Florissant bill reads, in part, that “although the City Council believes that the intersection safety program in beneficial to the public, the City Council recognizes the authority of the Missouri Court of Appeals .”

City Attorney John Hessel said after the meeting that the city would leave the cameras up. He said they had been used in investigating hit and run accidents and other accidents to determine who was at fault.

Hessel said the city had not used the cameras to issue citations since September 2013, when the Missouri Court of Appeals issued its decision.

That appeals court decision has prompted more municipalities to take another look at the cameras.  On Monday night in St. Charles County, the county council there approved placing a ban on red light cameras on the Nov. 4th ballot that would, if passed, ban the cameras for ticket usage throughout St. Charles County.

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