Hazelwood Police Join State-Wide Effort To Crack Down on Teenage Drunk Driving

With prom and graduation season here, the Hazelwood Police Department wants to make sure local youth are celebrating safe and sober.  During the weekend of May 2-3, Hazelwood police officers will be conducting two DWI Sobriety Checkpoints at separate undisclosed locations within the city limits.  They also plan to implement saturation patrols all month.

It is illegal for someone under 21 to possess or consume alcohol in Missouri. However, youth make up a significant proportion of drunk drivers causing traffic accidents on state highways.  Missouri has a Zero Tolerance Law.  If drivers are under age 21, their license will be suspended if they are caught driving with even a trace of alcohol in their system.

Consequences of drunk driving include having a driver’s license revoked, jail time, or being sentenced to using ignition interlocks.  Insurance rates go up.  Other financial repercussions include attorney fees, court costs, lost time at work, and the potential loss of a job of job prospects.  When family, friends and co-workers find out, violators can face tremendous personal embarrassment and humiliation as well.

“Driving drunk is simply not worth all the consequences,” stated Chief of Police Gregg Hall, Hazelwood Police Department.  “Zero tolerance means no second chances: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.”

Between 2011 and 2013, 85 people were killed and 318 seriously injured in Missouri roadway vehicle accidents involving an impaired driver under the age of 21.

For more information, please visit www.saveMOlives.com.

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