‘Becky’ Sharma Runs Again For State Rep. From 68th District

Rekha Sharma
Rekha Sharma

Rekha “Becky” Sharma of Florissant, has filed with the Secretary of State’s office to run as a Republican for the 68th District House seat in the November 2014 elections. She will be on the Republican ballot in the Aug. 5th primary election. Missouri’s 68th State Representative District is located in St. Louis County; most of it is within the Florissant city limits, with a few of the unincorporated areas of the county included. The seat is currently held by  Democrat Keith English who will be her opponent in the November election and whom she lost to two years ago in the race.

Sharma, who is a naturalized citizen originally from India, is the owner of a home-based retail business in Florissant. She previously worked as a financial advisor and as a substitute teacher in the Webster Groves School  District. She has a B.A. in political science from Washington University.

Sharma believes being a naturalized citizen will give her a unique perspective in the legislature.“Minorities and naturalized citizens tend to have very conservative values: belief in family and the value of entrepreneurship and hard work, and so on. Immigrants come from places where they don’t have it as good as we do here, and they don’t have the liberties and opportunities that we have here. They are attracted by the American dream,” she said in a statement.

Becky says her priorities are lower taxes and limited government. She is pro-life. Another top priority, she said if  she gets to Jefferson City, is to address the environmental problems with the West Lake Landfill and Coldwater Creek. She will ensure that the responsible parties take care of the clean-up.

Information about the campaign may be accessed at the website: www.BeckySharma.com |

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