Warming Weather is a Good Time to Get out and about in Florissant

Florissant Mayor Tom Schneider is urging residents to take advantage of the warmer weather coming our way and patronize some local businesses.

Schneider said he knowas that many residents are dealing with cabin fever and are more than ready for warmer weather.  “What better way to battle the winter blues than to patronize one of our local restaurants or stores?” said Schneider.  This long, cold winter has impacted local businesses as well as residents.

Valentine’s Day is Friday, February 14, and several local restaurants will have specials for customers in search of a romantic afternoon or evening, as well as other specials during the week.  A number of fine restaurants in Florissant are members of the Greater North County Chamber of Commerce.

One of the coldest winters in recent years has caused many people reluctantly to spend too much at home.  With the Weather Channel predicting a high in the 40s by Thursday and into the 50s for several days starting Saturday, the time is right to get out and about.

With warming temperatures, residents might want to check out the many, diverse offerings available at businesses, restaurants and shops throughout Florissant.  Enough is enough with Old Man Winter.  For more information about activities in Florissant, visit www.florissantmo.com.




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