Hope Rams Can Come Up with Trifecta Sunday; M.U.Tigers are For Real

When I sat down yesterday to watch the Rams game, little did I know that I would be watching one of the best Rams games that I had seen in years. With the stadium half full of Bears fans, I thought that it would be the same old situation – the Rams have a big game one weekend and then fall on their face the next.

That certainly wasn’t the case, as they came to play on Sunday right from the start.

It was a nail biter for a while in the 2nd quarter as they kind of let their guard down, but they came back when needed. It was great to see a balanced attack from the Rams as they were able to set the pass up by running the ball so well. All I can ask for is this team to keep the butt kicking mentality that they came in to Sunday’s game with and focus it on the rest of the season.

As I was flipping through the channels on Sunday, I stumbled across the BCS rankings and how cool was it to see the Tigers logo in the top 10 at number 5? It almost didn’t look right, but the Tiges definitely deserves to be there. Let’s hope they can beat Johnny Football this weekend and end up in the SEC championship game on Dec. 7.

Turkey, Talkin’ and Football

That brings me to my general message of this year’s holiday season. Be thankful and don’t take for granted a day or even a minute in your life, whether it is with your family, at your job or just enjoying life. It can be snatched away from you or even changed in an instant.

All too often we say that we will do something tomorrow or that we don’t need to tell someone how we feel because they just knows it. Don’t take things for granted, just do it when you feel it. There might not be a tomorrow.

We all seem to start thinking more about this as we enter the holiday season but if we treated each other and looked at life like this every day, we would be so much more fulfilled. I hug my kids and my wife every night and every morning like there is no tomorrow.

During this season, many people worry too much about  presents and what they got or what they are giving.  Worry more about each other and respect the true meaning of the holidays – being together with friends and family.

Take the season to tell five people that you maybe haven’t told lately that you love them and care about them. It can make a huge difference in their life and yours. Along with all that lovin’ and turkey talk this season, don’t forget to load up on some fine football viewing on Thanksgiving day…or all weekend.Remember: turkey, talkin’, and football.

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