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Read MoreFlorissant Valley Historical Society House Tour is May 18
The Florissant Valley Historical Society will hold its annual house tour on Sunday, May 18, from noon-5 p.m. The tour includes the following eight locations:
o Taille de Noyer, McCluer High School Campus, 1896 S. Florissant Rd. This more than 200 year old home serves as a museum and headquarters for the Florissant Valley Historical Society. Complimentary homemade dessert will be served in the log room
o Mihelich, 5 Carrico Oaks Ct. Built in 1983, this log home is a reproduction of a classic historic style. The home sits on 3.5 wooded acres.
o Gremminger, 3353 Afshari Circle. This newer home, built eight years ago by Girardier Building, is situated on 3.4 acres and includes a pond and putting green.
o Daub, 461 St. Denis. Built in 1945 and purchased by the present owners in 1973, this home has been enlarged to five bedrooms and two baths.
o Sacred Heart Museum, 751 N. Jefferson (lower level of rectory-south side). Opened in 2000, the museum houses many pieces of memorabilia from both Sacred Heart and North American Martyrs. The museum includes a collection of dolls depicting the dress worn by the Sisters who staffed the school and a photo library containing wedding, graduation, kindergarten, First Communion and special events pictures.
o Mantia, 461 N. St. Jacques. This 1,300 square-foot single family house is a renovated tudor cottage built in 1920.
o Marygrove, 2705 Mullanphy. Major Albert Lambert owned the property about 1950 and sold it to the Ehrhardts and the Keupers who continue to care for the gardens. The Good Shepherd Sisters purchased the property and since 1983 Marygrove has been a part of Catholic Charities. The home serves as offices for Marygrove.
o St. Stanislaus Museum, 3030 Charbonier Rd. The newest museum in North County is dedicated to displaying artifacts from the time of Father Peter DeSmet. Re-enactors will present a visual history of “how things were.”
Tickets may be purchased at Korte’s, 610 rue St. Francois, my mail from the FVHS, P.O. Box 298, Florissant, Mo. 63032 or at any of the homes the day of the tour. For more information, call 314-839-3626, 314-409-9478 or 314-921-5563.