Movie review: “Made of Honor”


With the popularity of such crass comedies as Knocked Up, it’s not surprising that a supposedly adult romance like “Made of Honor” should be packed with embarrassingly crude, juvenile humor. Introduced with paint-by-numbers cuteness are platonic buddies, Tom (Patrick Dempsey) and Hannah (Michelle Monaghan).

Ten years ago, as Cornell students, she couldn’t stand his clammy hands and predatory womanizing. Now, as adult working professionals in New York City, they’ve become fast friends, even though his eye still wanders and his rules are still the same; like, don’t turn a one-night stand into a “back-to-back.”

Reinforcing the lothario’s creed are Tom’s men friends, who back-slap his conquests, but feel their sperm levels drop when he finally admits he might be feeling something like love for Hannah. Her six-week absence in Scotland was the catalyst for this revelation, but his carefully laid plan to declare himself with flowers and a romantic dinner is squelched when Hannah excitedly introduces Tom to Colin (Kevin McKidd), a highland stud who wasn’t afraid to pop the question.

In two weeks they’re getting hitched at one of his family’s ancestral castles, picturesquely perched on the craggy edge of a loch. Hannah has three bridesmaids lined up; but, would Tom do her the honor of being her maid of honor?

After the cat calls die down, Tom’s friends rally around their morose pal and urge him to fight for Hannah. Since he’ll be helping out with such things as registering for gifts (he juggles the china) choosing a wedding trousseau (he judges some hot lingerie), meeting with the wedding officiant (he thinks Tom’s gay) and planning a wedding shower (someone invited a sex toys party hostess), there could be some good opportunities to show Hannah how he feels.

But, the wedding party makes its way to Scotland, without the bride-to-be being any the wiser; where Tom has to deal with more challenges, like wearing a short kilt and competing with Colin in win-the-wife highland games.

While Hannah starts to question her choice, after learning that Colin killed all of the food served at the pre-wedding banquet, Tom starts to question the wisdom of making a fruitless fool out of himself.

Of all things, a sheep dog inspires a turnaround. Dempsey, undeniably “dreamy” on TV’s “Gray’s Anatomy,” looks a bit long in the tooth next to the fresh-faced Monaghan. Despite the film’s occasional trite charm, most people won’t be able to hold their peace when it comes to showing just cause why this movie and moviegoers should not be joined in holy boxoffice receipts.

Rated PG-13 for sexual content, language.

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