Area High Schools Compete for Salvation Army

Area St. Louis County high schools will be competing this weekend, but it won’t be on any court or field.

A friendly competition among area high schools, The Salvation Army’s inaugural Mascot Bell-Ringing Day will pit students from competing high schools against each other to see who can raise the most money ringing bells at our signature kettles. From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, schools from the North, South, and East will compete against each other, with the winners receiving a traveling trophy.

“It’s a common misconception that kids from this generation feel like they can’t make a difference, but they really do care about the well-being of their neighbors,” said Christine Herbert, Salvation Army director of database services and organizer of the event. “They want to help and they’re prepared to do it with the high energy and enthusiasm that comes with having team spirit.”

Led by their respective school’s mascot, each school will ring bells at one of three locations. Ringing bells at the St. Louis Outlet Mall will be the Hazelwood East Spartans at 10 a.m.; McCluer South Comets at 11 a.m.; and Riverview Rams at noon. At the South County Mall will be the Lindbergh Flyers at 10 a.m., and Maplewood’s wrestling team will be at Macy’s at the Galleria at 10 a.m. Each school is encouraged to bring as many supporters as they can to increase their school spirit, with some schools already pledging to bring school bands and alumni.

All funds raised during Mascot Bell-Ringing Day will benefit The Salvation Army’s Tree of Lights Campaign, the Army’s primary funding source for services and programs year-round. This year, the Army has a $6.3 million goal to reach in order to continue its work in the St. Louis area.

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