We Win 1, Lose 1 Against Tennessee

By Randy Gardner

What another incredible weekend here  for sports as the Mizzou Tigers gave Tennessee  a butt kicking. Who would have ever thought that we would ever be saying that. I remember back when you wouldn’t even put those two teams in the same sentence.

I thought when Mizzou lost their starting Quarterback it was over but look what has happened. It’s just like the Rams, as soon as they lost Bradford I thought it would be blowouts from here on out but it hasn’t been. I was quit impressed with the play of the Rams this past weekend against another Tennessee, the professional version.

Once again, they gave it a good run but just fell short. It is crazy how in any sport, just one play can make a huge difference and change the outcome.

The Rams could be a contender in this division if they would have had a few balls bounce their way. I am really impressed with the running game of the Rams as I thought it would be over after Steven Jackson left.

Full Page Ad Was Classy Act By Red Sox

Onto baseball, what a classy act from the Boston Red Sox as they took out a full page ad and said thank you to the fans of St. Louis for their hospitality and being such a great sports Community. You can look at this two ways. Is it a bit of salt in the wound; of course it is but that is what makes it a great marketing ploy. The use of the two kids with opposite teams apparel bridges the gap between the ad being a slap in the face and a true thank you. It maybe should have said, thanks for letting us come to St. Louis and hand it to you.  Overall though, a nice gesture and  we will see them again next year in Inter League play and maybe again in the World Series like they asked for in their ad.

Our Final KG Game Pushed the Limits

Finally, I can say that my outdoor season for my kindergarten team has come to an end. I try to teach the kids to have fun, learn the game and be honest and fair but this past weekend pushed me to the limits.

As parents and coaches, we have all played against the team that has a kid that looks like he should be playing five years above his level and upon that, the rest of the team are kids that have no discipline. Kicking and pushing kids out of spite , laughing and taunting when they score.

That was who we played to end the season. We ended scoring two goals and I made it well known, loudly to the kids and spectators, as they walked back to our side of the field, that we act like gentlemen on our team. That crazy foolishness will not be tolerated. I get mad just writing about it. So whatever side of the fence you are on as a parent or coach, remember it will always come back on you.

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