Soroptimists Host 40th Fashion Show To Raise Funds For Groups, Persons

For over 40 years, the Soroptimist of Greater St. Louis, a small, totally women based, volunteer organization has been raising funds to give  to organizations and individuals that primarily serve women and children’s needs.

The primary fund-raiser each year is the fashion show, will be celebrating its 40th year on Saturday Nov., 2 with a luncheon/show at Orlando Gardens in Maryland Heights.

“Often the unforgotten smaller agencies and the most underfunded groups, apply for and receive our  contributions,” says Judy Bick, past president and this year’s Fashion Show Committee chairman. “We plan four  fund raising events a year, and our Fashion Show is usually attended by hundreds of supportive friends of Soroptimist.”

“Each year, the request of individuals and organizations in need grows, and this year is no exception” said says Kim Brannan, director and past president.  Last year the Soroptimist supported over 20 different agencies and individuals with grants, awards and scholarships.  “We are proud that this small group of 50 small business owners, community leaders, teachers, social workers and corporate women in the St. Louis Metro area share of their time and talents to work really hard support the organization’s mission!” said Brannan.

“Our members are very, very busy successful women who still find time to give of themselves to our  very needed and worthwhile organization,” said Beverly Girardier, current president/ Tickets for the show and luncheon are $25 a person event. “We will show fashions through the decades, have a fabulous lunch at Orlando Gardens, in Maryland Heights, win prizes and bid on  great Gift Baskets.” The doors open at 11:30 with lunch  served at 12:30. Call 314-837-4881 for tickets.

Soroptimist is a global women’s organization whose members volunteer to improve the lives of women  and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. More than 80,000 Soroptimists  in about 120 countries and territories support community–based and global projects benefiting women and girls.  The organization is particularly concerned with providing women and girls access to education,  as this is the most effective path to self-determination. Visit our website at

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