Can’t Recall A Better Local Sports Weekend

By Randy Gardner

I’ve said it before, when we experienced great local sports weekends, but nothing could top this past one. What a great weekend it was last Saturday and Sunday as all of our local professional sports teams  and our state college team were victorious.

Last week I talked about the Cardinals overshadowing the Rams because of the playoffs but the Rams came out and put on a show in Houston. They played almost perfect football on both sides of the ball.

I always say that  good coaches and leaders find a way to rally the troops and you know that I am a huge Jeff Fisher fan, well that’s exactly what he did, He came into practice with a fresh outlook like it was a new season a few weeks ago and look what it has done. It has really motivated his players and they are  3-3 now.

These last two wins really change the landscape for the season of this team. If th Rams can continue to snag another win or more while  the focus is on baseball, sports fans will flock with passion to the Rams remainder of the season. Fans like winning teams and St. Louis is a hometown base of band wagoners, meaning when things are good, everybody is a fan but when things are bad, nobody cares. That’s unfortunate.

We need people to bleed Blue and Yellow or Gold for the Rams like they bleed red for the Cardinals. Mark Monday, Oct. 28th on your calendar. That night, downtown will be a buzz as the Cards should or could be in the World Series at home and  the Rams, just a few block away, will be playing Seattle  on Monday Night football.

Cardinals, Blues and Tigers Roll

Onto the Cardinals, by the time this column gets to you the readers it could be onto the World Series or back to Busch Stadium for Games 6 and. or 7. As of Tuesday afternoon, the series is 2-1 Cardinals after a demoralizing loss Monday night in LA. It just looked like the team was flat from the beginning, that’s what scares me about playoff baseball.

It seems like a 2-0 series lead is huge but just one win can change everything. A second win and it is a whole new look to the series. I love the passion though behind the Cardinals, everywhere you go, people have red Cardinals shirts on, schools are having Cardinal pride days, businesses are flying banners, that’s cool. Sports can put your mind in a different world and make you forget about your daily problems. All I can say, is let’s go Cards.

Finally, onto the Blues and the Mizzou Tigers both off to phenomenal starts this year. The Blues right now are 4-0 but I bet not many average fans know that because of baseball overshadowing everything and the Tigers stepping up and beating handily the 7th ranked team in the country.

Just remember everyone, as happy as we all can be about sports teams doing well, one loss at a key time in the season can send things spiraling downward so enjoy it while we can. Winning isn’t everything but it sure feels better than losing as I tell the kids on my teams.  I try to instill in myself and others I try to mentor a saying that hangs above my desk, “Winning is not a sometime thing, it’s an all the time thing……”. Find the quote by Vince Lombardi and read it and live it. It’s true in the world of sports and in the world of life.

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