Great Weekend in State For Sports; Rams Were Most Impressive

It was a great weekend to be a Missouri sports fan as every  sports  team won in the state of Missouri including the Royals and the Chiefs, Cardinals and Rams and Mizzou in the college game. Mark this on your calendar because you might not ever see this again  in your lifetime.

It is a great time of the year when you have a professional sports, high school sports, and college sports going on at the same time.

Although we are supposed to be experienced eating that crisp feel in the air as we watch some of these games and tailgate but as we saw over the weekend mother nature has been playing a nasty game of hot weather on us.

Many of us always want  the football stadium to be an open air stadium but on days like last Sunday  when it was 100 or days or  when it’s near zero I think the fans of St. Louis  appreciate the enclosure of the dome.

It just seems different to sit out in the  hot sun and watch a baseball game at Busch Stadium compared to sitting and watching a football game and an outdoor environment in the hot weather, it just  doesn’t correlate.

I’m a huge football fan, and the weekend did not  disappoint as we saw Peyton Manning throw seven touchdown passes and many games  across the NFL  were very competitive. I think the NFL is doing a great job and scheduling and the teams are very closely matched.

I am so excited right now that the showed that they can run the ball as well as throw the ball. Amazingly to me though was the fans that stayed all the way to the end of the game. We have not seen that since the early 2000s. The game went down to the last play and there were actually fans there to cheer them on. I saw a lot of passion out of this team this week and I think it carried over to the fans too.

All I can say is Steven Jackson, who? What a way for our receivers and young running backs  to step up and take over. That was one facet of the game that worried me was the loss of the run threat. Well, we have it. Hopefully the Rams can carry this over to next week and we’ll not forget the passion that football caring to this community. Could this be the year?  Every year I say that the team will be 10-6 but this year they have a legitimate chance of that. It’s early so let’s keep our focus. Can’t wait to play Jackson and Atlanta this Sunday there.

As I wrap up today, many coaches across the area are either on their high horse or picking themselves up off the ground after the kids started soccer this weekend. I was very excited about my kindergarten team playing and thought they  had a great chance of winning, unfortunately the end of the game told another  story as I do not have enough toes or fingers to count the number of goals that we lost by. Either way coaches remember easy come and easy go in the wins and lost columns— it’s still  about the kids having fun. They are eventually will score goal and win a game and it will make everything you do worthwhile.


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