Hazelwood District Honors County Health Dept. For Community Works

By Jeremey Thomas

With summer winding down and the first days of school arriving,  The Hazelwood School Board recently met  to discuss several different topics and give recognition to the St. Louis County Heath Department

Julia Thorpe, assistant superintendent for Student Services gave recognition to the St. Louis County Health Department for not only their  work and dedication of serving the surrounding community, but also honored the department for  retaining  its strong AA2 rating. The rating is the second- or third-highest rating that a rating agency assigns to a security or carrier, which signifies that the St. Louis County Health Department is among some of the most trusted departments in the state of Missouri.

A 2013 Summer School update was outlined  three assistant superintendents for nstruction provided the information.

Lisa Strauther discussed the amount of students enrolled in summer school this year. There were five levels of educational programs students could be enrolled in starting with the youngest one “Sunny Start”. There were a total of 28 students in the program in 2011-12, the number jumped up to 41 for 2012-13. The program above the sunny start is Early Childhood which had 370 students in 2011-12, the number slightly dropped to 343 for 2012-13.

One of the biggest enrollments came from the elementary school program which had just over 1700 students in 2011-12, with the number increasing even more in 2012-13 as with just under 2,000 students enrolled. The middle school program enrolled a total of 813 students in 2011-12 while dropping down to 694 in 2012-13. High School was the last program highlighted which showed 1800 students enrolled in 2011-12 and 1000 enrolled in 2012-13. The total enrollment for all the programs in 2011-12 was 4053 students which increased slightly to 4065 in 2012-13.

The assistant superintendents each provided recommendations on improving summer school programs for the site coordinators.

“For elementary school the coordinators look to continue with the library program, allow all site coordinators to view bus videos, and improve communication with special school district for extended school year program,” Asst. Supt., Jeff Haug said

“The Middle school program numbers were a bit down from years past, site coordinators will look to update the curriculum, provide site coordinators emergency contact information for the transportation department, and provide critical feedback to site coordinators,” Asst. Supt. Willicia Hobbs said.

“There were a few recommendations for the high school program such as adding Edgenuity credit recovery program for use in summer school, and End-of-Course tested classes that should complete weekly USA Test Prep activities,” Strauther said.

Following this presentation came the Comprehensive Accountability in HSD report which five assistant superintendents provided the information. In the presentation they mentioned the Missouri School Improvement Program and what standards are being taking. Some standards that were talked about were Academic Achievement, Subgroup Achievement, College and Career Readiness, Attendance Rate and Graduation Rate.

Along with this the presentation also highlighted the Elementary School Accountability report. It listed schools accountability plan and focus with such things as Common Core  state standards, next Generation Science Standards, Assessment Literacy and Compelling Conversations. The presentation also talked about Common Core Standards which listed several pinpoints. Such things as using an integrated media model for literacy, Benchmarking internationally so that all students are prepared to succeed in our growing global economy and society. Setting explicit goals for what students know and are able to do K-12 was highlighted as well.

The meeting proceeded with a Human Resources video that displayed how the HSD human resource departments operate on a daily basis,  Asst. Supt. Ingrid Clark-Johnson, for human resources provided the video.

The last item on the meeting agenda featured an update of the supplier diversity program which was presented by Dr. Dwight Lindhorst, Assistant Superintendent for facilities and finance, and Mr. Tom Mangogna, Director of facilities. The supplier diversity program strives to seek and establish meaningful opportunities for bona fide minority (MBE) and women (WBE) owned enterprises to conduct business with the Hazelwood School District. The presentation showed the current operating expenditures for 2012-2013. Professional Services topped in at $8,158,395, Supplies and Equipment totaled $14,926,531, and Construction had a cost of $899,135. The overall total amount came out to be $23,984,061. Along with this were a few achievements listed that the program has received.

The HSD is gaining recognition for its use of the Alpha Card ID system among other construction consumers, Tom Mangogna received the 2012 SLMSDC Award for Buyer/Coordinator of the Year. The program became a Finalist for two prestigious awards given by the St. Louis Minority Supplier Development Council: Institution of the Year Award & Buyer/Coordinator of the Year Award.

The program was asked to present the supplier diversity program before the St. Louis Council Construction Consumers Diversity Committee. While also being invited by ACCESS – Association for Construction Careers Education and Support Services to participate in their biannual collaborative partnering meeting. This concluded the HSD board meeting, with no patron questions asked.


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