Hazelwood City Attorney Meets With School District Officials On Plans at Ford Plant Site


After a meeting last week with the Hazelwood School District Superintendent Chris Wright and staff, Hazelwood City Manager Ed Carlstrom felt the discussion clear up a lot of points regarding how the process works with Hazelwood’s redevelopment of the Ford assembly plant area.

Hazelwood School District officials had appeared at the April 2 city council meeting expressing concerns about the amount of taxes the district will receive through the future years as the development proceeds. Mark Behlmann, board president, presented some of the district’s concerns about the project, to the council.

The Panattoni Development Co. will take over the 155 acre area and plans warehouses and industrial buildings on the site of the old Ford plant.

Carlstrom said that the meeting with the school district officials was a “fact finding meeting.” Time frames, how the process worked and the partnership with Panattoni, were discussed.

In a prepared statement Carlstrom said, “The City of Hazelwood has spent the last three years since the announcement of the Ford Plant closing continuing to diversify our economic base. By moving from a manufacturing community to a more retail and light industrial area, we have been able to keep the level of services our residents expect. The development of the Ford site is an imperative element in keeping Hazelwood economically viable.

“The plan that Ford, Panattoni and the city have put together prevents the further decline of revenue for all involved and clears the path for future growth potential.”

Carlstrom’s statement added: “This area, once developed, can be an employment center again, employing 1200 to 1500 people. With a value of $185 million, the conceptual plan for this business park involves 2.6 million square feet of office warehousing, creating yet another viable business center for our city.”

The bill giving final approval for the development was on the agenda at last night’s (Wednesday’s) city council meeting.

In other matters at the April 2 meeting, Ward 5 Councilwoman Peg Lampert was honored by receiving her 10 years of service pin. Lampert was first elected in 1998 and re-elected for three additional terms.

Lampert has served on the St. Louis County Municipal League’s Legislative Committee and has been a voting delegate at the National League of Cities representing Missouri numerous times. She has served as mayor pro tem for three one year terms.

After the presentation she said, “I am very proud of the progress and success of the projects in the city over the past 10 years such as Park 370, the Mills, Lindcor, the $15 million street and sidewalk bond issue (approved by the voters) , the Musick Park upgrade, the Hazelwood Commerce Center (in the former Robertson area) and I am looking forward to the new outdoor aquatic center and the Aviator Business Park (the Ford area development).

Mayor T. R. Carr said, “Councilwoman Lampert has effectively represented her ward and worked for the betterment of the City of Hazelwood for the past 10 years. Her dedication to the city and her concern for the residents of her ward serve as a model for council members across the area.”


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