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Friday, May 3
Annual Spring Church Rummage Sale 5 to 7:30 p.m. at St. Stephens Episcopal Church 33 N. Clay, Ferguson. Clothes, books, collectibles, toys, shoes, small furniture, videos, etc., below Goodwill prices. Continues Saturday, May 4 from 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Motown Trivia Night at the Maryland Heights Community Center, 2344 McKelvey Rd. Doors open at 6:15 p.m., questions at 7. $15 per person, $120 per table. Soda, water, popcorn provided, bring your own food and drinks. Sponsored by the Minority Affairs Committee of the Special District-NEA. Proceeds go to the Minority Scholarship Fund. Contact Jackie Tyler at 314-600-4476 or email: mogemsjt@yahoo.com to reserve your seat or table.
The County Older Residents Computer Club meets the 1st Friday of each month at the Prairie Commons Library, 915 Utz Lane, Hazelwood. Bring your computer problems for discussion,
Tai Chi for Seniors at St. Catherine Retirement Center, 3350 St. Catherine St. Fridays at 10:30 a.m. Reduce stress, strengthen joints, develop balance and coordination. RSVP to 838-3877.
Saturday,May 4
Basement & Tailgate Sale at Northside Christian Church, 9635 Hwy. 367. 8 – noon. Church basement sale, Tailgate sale to sell your own treasures. $10 for a double spot. (868-5722)
Sunday, May 5
Bingo is held every Sunday, 1-4:30 p.m., at American Legion Post 444, 17090 Old Jamestown Road (2 1/2 miles north of Jamestown Mall) Food and refreshments available. (314-741-7786)
Tours at Old St. Ferdinand Shrine, #1 Rue St. Francois St., every Sunday from 1 – 4 p.m., now through October. Donations accepted. Docents needed. Please call: Vicki Wittman 314-921-7582 or email: vicray01@aol.com
Monday, May 6
Florissant Valley Men of Harmony Barbershop Chorus practices at 7 p.m. at Bethel Providence Christian Church, 14700 New Halls Ferry Road. New membersare For more information, call 993-6134.
Line Dancing with Minnie at St. Catherine Retirement Center, 3350 St. Catherine St. Every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Beginners welcome. No class May 27. RSVP by calling 838-3877.
Exercise with Kristy at St. Catherine Retirement Center, 3350 St. Catherine St. Classes are led by a licensed physical therapist with the use of weights and resistance bands (provided). Mondays and Wednesdays, 1 p.m. No class on May 27. RSVP by calling 838-3877.
Tuesday, May7
Blood pressure & blood glucose testing every Tuesday 9-10 a.m. at ManorCare Health Services, 1200 Graham Road, Florissant.
Lasting Love, Lasting Care: Which is Best…Care in the Home or in a Facility? 7 p.m. at the St. Louis County Library – Florissant Valley Branch. This session will explore and compare home- and facility-based care options when individuals need increased assistance with everyday tasks. We will discuss the different levels of facility-based care, including skilled nursing, assisted living, and residential care, as well as home care services available to keep individuals living in their own home. Also discussed will be cost and payment sources, including Medicare and Medicaid.
Cinco de Mayo Happy Hour at St. Catherine Retirement Center, 3350 St. Catherine St. A south of the border fiesta! Plenty of Mexican food, drinks and fun. Entertainment by Marcos Medrano. 10:30 a.m., happy hour with lunch 11:30 a.m. RSVP to 838-3877.
Wednesday, May 8
Aging My Way—Home Assistance and Housing Options Fair. 9 a.m. – noon at St Rose Philippine Duchesne parish hall, off Parker Road at Paddock. Sponsored by The North County Senior Ministry, Tri-Parish Nursing, and The Sarah Community. Free health screenings and prize drawings. For more information contact Sr Mary Michael McCulla, Tri-Parish Nurse, at 314-397-3382 or by email at mmccullacdp@gmail.com.
Thursday, May 9
St. Mark’s Fashions for Food clothing sale, 315 Graham Road, 8:30-11 a.m. All proceeds go to local food pantries. Sale is held on the second Thursday of each month. (972-7838)
Northside Art Association meets on the second Thursday of each month to paint together at the Hazelwood Community Center, 1186 Teson Road, at 10 a.m. (J. Frericks, 837-5816)
Saturday, May 11
The Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105, located at 410 Rue St. Francois, will host an indoor Flea Market on from 8-1. Tables are $10. Call Nick for reservations (314-503-1303).
The Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105, located at 410 Rue St. Francois, will host a breakfast 8- 11 am. Breakfast is just $5.
St. Ferdinand Shrine holds a book sale, every Saturday, 9 a.m.-noon. The gift shop in the rectory will be open.
Sunday, May 12
Bingo is held every Sunday, 1-4:30 p.m., at American Legion Post 444, 17090 Old Jamestown Road (2 1/2 miles north of Jamestown Mall) Food and refreshments available. (314-741-7786)
Tours at Old St. Ferdinand Shrine, #1 Rue St. Francois St., every Sunday from 1 – 4 p.m., now through October. Donations accepted. Docents needed. Please call: Vicki Wittman 314-921-7582 or email: vicray01@aol.com
Monday, May 13
Florissant Valley Men of Harmony Barbershop Chorus practices at 7 p.m. at Bethel Providence Christian Church, 14700 New Halls Ferry Road. The group is looking for new members. For more information, call 993-6134.
Tuesday, May 14
Craft Raffle and Bake Sale followed by Happy Hour at St. Catherine Retirement Center, 3350 St. Catherine St. 10:45 a.m. Cakes, cookies and pies to purchase. Happy hour 11:30, followed by complimentary lunch. RSVP to 838-3877.
Wednesday, May 15
The St. Louis Big Band Concert and Spaghetti Dinner, presented by The North County Senior Ministry. 6:30-8:30 p.m. at St. Sabina Church Huels Hall, 1625 Swallow Lane. Dinner, concert and dancing. Tickets $10 in advance or $15 at the door. Tickets available at the following parish rectory offices: St. Sabina, St. Ferdinand, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Martin De Porres, and Blessed Theresa of Calcutta. For more information, call Julia at 341-664-9700.
Thursday, May 16
Blood Pressure Clinic at St. Catherine Retirement Center, 3350 St. Catherine St. 10 a.m. Refreshments served. RSVP by calling 838-3877.
Rob Your Neighbor at St. Catherine Retirement Center, 3350 St. Catherine St. Sponsored by Gentiva Home Health Care. May is National Stroke prevention month. Join us for a “Rob Your Neighbor” game with prevention tips! 9:30 a.m., complimentary Breakfast at 9:00 a.m. RSVP to 838-3877.