County Reminds Parents to Schedule Back-to-School Vaccinations Now

   With the 2017-2018 school year starting this week and next, the Saint Louis County Department of Public Health is encouraging parents to make sure their children’s required vaccinations are…

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Hazelwood Presents Life-Saving Awards For Heroic Efforts of City Lifeguards

Special to The Independent News Elected officials, city management staff, employees and residents of the City of Hazelwood gathered Aug. 2 at a City Council meeting to honor “ten brave…

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Old Town Walk Through History Plaque will Honor Kenneth Otto

Mayor Thomas P. Schneider announced that the City, along with Old Town Partners, will host a dedication to unveil a plaque in honor of the late Kenneth J. “Ken” Otto.…

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$1.7 Million Grant Awarded to Improve Academics & Reduce Violence Among Teenagers

   The St. Louis County Department of Public Health has been awarded a 4-year, $1.7 million grant to implement and evaluate efforts to improve academic performance and reduce violence among…

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Mark Your Calendars!

Thursday, July 27    Meet and Greet Summer Social at DeSmet Retirement Community, 1425 N. New Florissant Road, at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments, live music. RSVP to 314-838-3811. Friday, July 28…

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